I think there is a way to disguise Win xp modification regedit as POSReady 2009 to continue to obtain patches until 2019. I think it is possible to disguise Win8 (.1) as Server 2012 (R2).
Monthly Rollup (and Security Only) include ESU block for regular Windows 8.1 (updates themselve are not blocked) .NET updates KB5022508 & KB5022525 does not contain ESU block
just tried to install server 2012 r2 update on my 8.1 system(tablet). it rolled back. tried it on my desktop. it rolled back too. tried DISM failed.
Anyone tried if Updates for "8.1 Embedded" can be installed on 8.1 without ESU bypass ? Edit : Yes it can be done, method is in the thread for Bypass provided by abbodi
KB5022922's ExtendedSecurityUpdatesAI.dll contain complicated check for some values under Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Policies\Microsoft\FeatureManagement\Overrides] isn't that related to Windows 10 velocity features?
They could be starting to backport some features from W10... Could this potentially complicate things for ESU Bypass?
Windows 7 received SecureBoot support in late 2022 at the end of ESU 2012 R2 is still being updated until Oct. 2026
No, the point is: if the "correct" registry values are deteced under that key, it will allow ESU installation
This is fake news, please stop spreading this nonsense, click bait news article. The boot loader has a valid secure boot signature, but Windows 7 compatibility issues with Secure Boot are still the same.
According to IDA Pro deompiled code, it seems those registry Overrides are not useful as expected they are used only to bypass activation of the ESU key for Embedded Systems (the key itself must be installed)
New SSU already? 2023-03 Servicing Stack Update for Windows 8.1 Embedded (KB5023790) + 2023-03 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 8.1 Embedded (KB5023765)