I like the idea behind using the ramdrive as a mount spot. Perhaps it depends which ramdrive you use and what kind of drivers it uses? Maybe some are incompatible with win8.1?
I'm working on a w2008R2 Server. The kind of the RAM-drive is not the problem (I think, but I’m not sure). It works with all win6.1 (win7) and win6.2 (win8) DVDs without any problems. I used the dism version 6.1.7600.16385. With the new win8.1 DVDs I switched to dism version 6.3.9600.16384 (form the AIK) and want to work with the same win7/win8 DVDs as before But I'm not able to maintain them using a RAM drive. But I’m able to maintain them without any errors using dism version 6.1
perhaps you need to use the newer mount driver in the tools folder? use the: Code: wimmountadksetupamd64.exe /install or the x86 variant? I imagine it would load it automatically, but it's the only thing I can think of...
Just following up kb2883900 Microsoft-Windows-BootEnvironment-Core-BootManager-EFI Microsoft-Windows-BootEnvironment-PXE Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services-Boot-Files-x64-minkernel Microsoft-Windows-BootEnvironment-Core-BootManager-PCAT Microsoft-Windows-BootEnvironment-PXE Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services-Boot-Files-x64-minkernel Microsoft-Windows-Deployment-Services-Boot-Files-x86-minkernel
So the cab file within the DVD folder does not contain the bootmgr.efi file, and has anyone completed this yet?
You totally misunderstood me. You should integrate the update using dism into boot.wim image 1, boot.wim image 2 and winre.wim. But there are also other places on the dvd and inside the images that contain bootmgr.efi and bootmgr and can be manually updated. One is the main folder of the DVD. I tried to replace the bootmgr there but got undefinite results sometimes the vm boots the cd and worked ok, sometimes it just stopped. The bootmgr.efi seams to work ok but I think best: do not manually replace those files. And yes the cab file contains all those files.
Thank you, yes I did misunderstand, sorry about that. Well I have done this, Injected the "Cab file" into the boot.wim & winre.wim I then injected the "MSU file" into install.wim and at the same time updated the winre.wim file that I did above. I then copied the updated boot.wim & install.wim to the original ISO sources folder For this test I also updated the "bootmgr.efi" and "bootmgr " in the main dir. Which I got from the "MSU File" as they are not in the "Cab File" Tested and all ok no issues found. Thanks *Update* - Working on both USB & DVD installation So do we really have to inject cab into boot & winre, or just get away with injecting the msu into the install.wim? Spoiler
komm Do you think that these updates are important? Or maybe "beta updates"? I think that could be sure wait to Windows Update What do you think about your repository and updates? Are recommended for us?
Careful disabling Windows Search offline with dism in 8.1, during install you will get "Windows could not configure" error (I suspect its because of Search)
Perhaps try adding 2 lines in setupcomplete.cmd (forgive me I don't know the exact service names) Code: sc stop WSearch sc config WSearch start= disabled Should run after everything is set-up so shouldn't error out for you Mind the space after the "start= " if you don't have that space it won't work.
I downloaded all hotfixes (only 4 at the time of this post) separately, but they did not work with integrating offline.