ESD recovery compressed files are smaller, but are not editable. WIM files can be mounted and modified. If you are not editing the file with any tweaking tools, you won't notice a difference between ESD and WIM except ESD is a little smaller.
I am going from Win 7 x 64 Ultimate SP1 to Win 8 Pro and then to Win 8.1 Pro. Going direct would mean having to reinstall all programs and so on. So, if we can get to the key question.. which "Windows 8" - i.e. MSDN, Retail, VL, Upgrade version of ISOs/ESDs (please link to it) would work for the first step and what CODES / KEYS would work for it. As the Win8 Pro ISO I have, it does not take in the 8.1 generic retail keys to get things moving until we get to EZ-Activation. PS: I had downloaded a version of the ESD and ISO from the 14.99 Windows 8 Special sale, but I'd like to use a generic or 'get through this' key and do an EZ-Activation after. I am saving that 14.99 KEY for something special as this is a transition machine and dont want to use it/ lose it on this.
KMS activation is (mostly) independent of underlying hardware. What type of 'codes'?? Next time, open a new thread & elaborately state your problem.
I was trying to upgrade using 14.99 Win 8 Pro ISO and it would not take the 'generic' 8.1 keys during upgrade/ install.
8.1 keys can't be parsed by 8 pkeyconfig. On the other hand, retail & OEM 8 keys can be parsed by 8.1 pkeyconfig. Why don't you use the generic retail keys or GVLKs & change the key afterwards??
I will try it. I figured the Paste.bin keys were all of it and even with those it did not go through. But I am guessing what you said about 8 not able to parse 8.1 keys makes sense.
On the contrary you're wrong, for sure. I've tested it and there's no slower speed. Neither have I murphy...
I had a problem during the decryption (option 4): The .esd has the same hash posted here, therefore is not corrupted, what should I do?
Dear friend abbodi1406 I try to use this file "9600.17050.winblue_refresh.140317-1640_x64fre_client_coresinglelanguage_pt-br-ir3_csla_x64frer_pt-br_esd_58d2724c734474809c6481747bc26b456c7c00ad.esd" but i don't know how use it, can you help me?
Thanks for help friend, I was thinking better to quit, I couldn't make it work, but with your help it was okay. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Best Regards, Marcelo "Sushi" Zanatta