Hi, sorry for saying that, but one of the links (dunno remember ATM) is a pretty nasty downloader Trojan or the like sc
Sounds like one of those downloaders some hosters offer ... always make sure the option to use them is unchecked.
Huh ... if you mean the new script by abbodi it should be .7z archive not any installer. On SolidFiles you'll need to use 'Direct Download' hyperlink instead of the shiny buttons .
Code: forfiles /m *.esd /c "cmd /c .\dism\esddecrypt.exe @FILE" forfiles /m *.esd /c "cmd /c .\dism\dism.exe /export-image /sourceimagefile:@FILE /sourceindex:4 /destinationimagefile:install.esd /compress:recovery /checkintegrity"
would be nice to add to script of esd-decrypter Compress:None so to make it faster to extract to wim and then choose what to do wim com:max or esd
I've found that the size difference negates the extraction rate for the most part. When you have to re-compress the file, it takes quite a long time. It's better to reduce the amount of compression conversions you go through.
I don't know... it's not very long of a process. It's the exporting *to* esd that really spikes your system load.
its looks faster however it doesn't use much CPU power just whole core fast should be better then none edit: test them all mb in low-end pc it will matter but fast and max doesnt have much size different
Correction: It seems that Sessions.xml is accurate only for integration, it doesn't list the updates removed during StartComponentCleanup process therefore, these updates in were removed in the process (ResetBase) because they are superseded by updates in the same list (typical microsoft mess) Code: KB2922229, KB2926765, KB2939471, KB2957189, KB2959977, KB2964736 KB2965500, KB2965788, KB2966804, KB2973351, KB2973448 so the correct List of included updates in the IR4 ESDs is: install.wim Spoiler Code: KB2975061 KB2919355 KB2975719 KB2920189 KB2931358 KB2931366 KB2932046 KB2934018 KB2937220 KB2937592 KB2938439 KB2938772 KB2939153 KB2939576 KB2949621 KB2950153 KB2954879 KB2955164 KB2956575 KB2958262 KB2958263 KB2959626 KB2961072 KB2962140 KB2962872 KB2964718 KB2965142 KB2966407 KB2966870 KB2967162 KB2968599 KB2969817 KB2971203 KB2971850 KB2972280 KB2973201 KB2974008 KB2976978 KB2979582 KB2980654 KB2990532 KB2993651 Embedded Lockdown Manager KB2959936 boot.wim / winre.wim Spoiler Code: KB2975061 KB2919355 KB2975719 KB2932046 KB2934018 KB2937592 KB2938439 KB2938772 KB2939576 KB2949621 KB2955164 KB2961072 KB2962872 KB2964718 KB2966870 KB2967162 KB2969817 KB2973201 KB2993651 sorry about that murph