will it be converted to VL if i insert the default key to install.wim? Can i use my VL key after this?
Hello, I tried to make a new ISO using this combinations on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit: Downloaded: 9600.17053.winblue_refresh.140923-1144_x64fre_client_professional_en-us-ir4_cpra_x64frer_en-us_esd_e439d943e32ee1499ecc57194af3bf7a28ef00e2.esd Also downloaded the new decryption package file: esd-decrypter-wimlib.7z The process goes well, but seams the new decryption package did not correctly labeled/named the final ISO file. The final ISO name is IR4_CPRA_X86_64FRER_EN-US_DV9.iso and the ISO label is IR4_CPRA_X86_64FRER_EN-US_DV9 Any idea? Thanks as always for your kind and hard works and support. Edit: Well, I decided to try esd-decrypter-v4d.7z. This time I received an error message something like "There was a problem reading the architecture". Then I tried esd-decrypter-v4c.7z (the old one) and seams it worked for me.
While decryption of previously provided ESD via ESD Decrypter v.4c there never faced any problem with around 3 ESD file (SL,PRO,PROWMC) . . . . Last night downloaded the MS link ESD files through IDM (both time downloaded via IDM - means Read Only attributes already unchecked) . . . but this time getting error with MS link's ESD . . . Error on Decryption via ESD Decrypter Wimlib Error on Decryption via ESD Decrypter v.4c These error coming each time , any idea why so happening ? :s (PS: Due to low post count unable to provide error screenshot / links)
It will be installed as VOLUME_KMSCLIENT version if KMS Client Key is inserted to WIM and can be activated by KMS tools. Can also be done after installing with Retail Install Key by entering KMS Client Key. At least the entered key decides the Licensing Channel.
Yep, 4f runs out-of-the-box on my german system, tested with Preview 9860 ESD . Also successfully created IR3_CPWMCA_X64FRER_EN-US_DV9.iso.
just a little question what are the differences between create a iso with install.wim or install.esd? the Windows install process takes longer in iso with install.esd? about activation/license/key, there are some differences? Thx
Mostly a matter of size . ESD is ~25% smaller than WIM. Due to high compression of ESD on weaker systems it should be a bit slower when applying files. Forgot to mention that ESD isn't directly serviceable.