Not sure if its feasible or not, but can somebody please post an SVF: Code: 9600.17050.winblue_refresh.140317-1640_x64fre_client_coresinglelanguage_en-us-ir3_csla_x64frer_en-us_esd.esd => 9600.17050.winblue_refresh.140317-1640_x64fre_client_professionalwmc_en-us-ir3_cpwmca_x64frer_en-us_esd.esd
I can do the job, let me some time to download the wmc esd and create the patch. Hoping the size won't be too big.
Well... there's no official method for it, but you can apply the image to a vhd and re-capture it, like we do in this script.
For sure, but let's try if smartversion is capable of creating an svf file. For the moment it looks like smartversion have difficulties to manage this, pc is working since 1h. PS: @Tito the patch is around 2.3GB, so sorry, I won't upload this as it will take me around 8 to 10 hours with my upload speed (125ko/s)
@coleoptere2007 Gotcha! I bet it happens due to the obfuscated encryption. Can you please try to make the same after decrypting the ESDs using qad's tool??
@Tito Ok I'm working on it and give you results asap It seems to be the same story after decryption, hoping to give you infos before midnight here PS: Same result svf file is around 2.4GB
Downloaded Windows 8.1 Pro WMC x64, made an ISO with the 4. option. I want to install it clean on my system, what's the installation key for it?
Can anyone upload to MEGA?Thanks! 9600.17050.winblue_refresh.140317-1640_x86fre_client_coresinglelanguage_zh-cn-ir3_csla_x86frer_zh-cn_esd_9e121f0c8fea6672a9dbadbcaf1b00731696fa52.esd 9600.17050.winblue_refresh.140317-1640_x64fre_client_coresinglelanguage_zh-cn-ir3_csla_x64frer_zh-cn_esd_4b044f7635f50708d722465d808ea103da46090d.esd
Ill give it a go, but even if the file sizes where exactly the same, the binary guts inside each file could be so different, that it would basically make another file same size as the source for just the differences. Sounds like what is going on pretty much. Anyway, DLing now, will have a looksee too.
It's kind of does ESD compression format packs many streams ("files") together into a single compressed resource, it's like a solid wim so i think even if you created different 2 esd files that contains exact same image (index), the patch size will be as large as target file size