Windows 8 Flickering problem

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by aksfysal, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. aksfysal

    aksfysal MDL Novice

    Aug 15, 2011
    It's for my friends PC When using Adobe Photoshop 7 in windows 8 x64 it flickers or refereshes Like if i have to save a file the save dialogue box will flicker every time i selects the saving extension. So i googled the issue there is a similar problem with Photoshop CS6 and windows 8 and the solution is "navigate to Edit > Performance and hit the ‘Advanced Settings’ button under ‘Graphics Processor Settings’ In the window that follows, select ‘Basic’ from the Drawing Mode drop-down, hit OK and restart Photoshop." But to me i don't know similar setting for Adobe Photoshop 7.
    Please help me guys
    (Display drivers are uptodated)