All Servicing Stack updates (Vista, Win7) were also "online only". So this is nothing new. In Win7 I've used the setupcomplete.cmd to install the Servicing Stack updates.
yes, but this takes too much time. Adding setupcomplete.cmd is faster (no need to install Windows in Audit mode and capture an new Image). If mS releases a new Update, you only need to replace it. With your way, you have create a new image over and over again.
No, you sysprep and only add KB2771431 (the rest can be integrated) and capthure the wim. Save wim for future
as I said, this takes too long and the next time MS releases service stack updates you have to do it again and again. I only have to make small changes in the setupcomplete which is faster.
Well it a matter of personal preference it is true that it can be installed via setupcomplete however the proper way to integrate it to an offline image is via reverse integration. You could also install all your updates via setupcomplete it is much faster however most of us choose to integrate them to an offline image via DISM. The process is time consuming however this is the proper way to integrate the updates. The same goes to KB2771431, the proper way to integrate it to an offline image is via audit mode and capturing a new wim. The same thing happened with Windows 7. There were two updates that couldnt be integrated to an offline image (KB2533552 & KB2603229). I integrated them using audit mode and capturing a new wim. I only did this once and I never had to repeat the process.
You know what...I give up. I'm still having trouble with KB2770197. gets to 98 percent then FAILURE TO CONFIGURE blah balh blah. I'm tired of it. I've tried disabling services, I've tried reinstall graphics and sound drivers. I've tried manually installing (says it's not compatible with my computer...yeah whatever buddy.) I'm just done with it. I only have one question though. If I skip this update, and another one with the same I screwed when the Service Packs start coming out? I mean, like...will not installing this prevent me from getting future Windows 8 Service Packs?
hi, please take a look on ur event log. if it reports an error updating explorer-ppdlic.xrm-ms (or some other xrm file) then try this on a fresh installation: 1st way install only small size updates 0 ~ 5 MB install kb2769165 install kb2756872 install kb2770917 2nd way install only small size updates install kb2769165 install kb2770917 install kb2756872 3rd way install only small size updates install kb2769165 install kb2756872 & kb2770917 good luck.
Thanks for the responses guys. I have NO idea what I did differently but after about the 5th time I tried (lol, I didn't really give up) the manual updates worked!! My windows 8 is all up to date now I seriously have no idea what I did different though. good ol computers.
16 updates out of 16 updates successfully installed on my windows 8 pro with media center laptop with no problems.