WU did not complain after removing this, BTW the GDR versions of these two were also uninstalled for me during automated image cleanup (info for komm) Code: KB2769166 KB2805940
Change the CSS property of a:visited to something more distinguishable than the regular a , to make it easier to note the updates you are already downloaded/installed in the list (assuming that visited cookies weren't cleared)
Thank you burfadel. Worked perfectly for a 2012 terminal server after spending the last 2 days pulling my hair out trying to install these updates and searching near and far on the Internet your resolution did the job
I visited right now that site but I am not sure wich update to install.The system is Windows 8 Pro x 64 with WMC.
There's some serious problem with install.cmd. it is a mess! It doesn't work correctly and I had to come back and install so many updates in main folder manually... It skipped like 15 of them! Also nice to mention, after finishing x64 updates the script did a weird job and started to unpack and install x86 on my x64 system as well so I had to cloase command prompt window to prevent!! Then I had to go and remove an over 10GB folder which created by this script in %TEMP% folder! So for now I strongly recommend, do not use installed.cmd and install updates manually one by one. It takes less time! Otherwise, you did a fantastic job by building that repository!
I downloaded these updates but when I try to install them,nothing is happens.. .the system is Windows 8 Pro with media center legally activated.
I wish Burf would help make the KUC LDR installer faster by adding the ability to cue multiple packagepaths of update-bf.mum (like he does with his script) I asked komm for this feature he said he did not have the time, but if sum1 could do it he would add it to KUC...plz burf help This is an example of the LDR cmd for offline images (exactly the same as the online image) Code: @echo off REM REM update.cmd for LDR updates REM set Work_Folder=c:\wu set Option=/image:"C:\mount" rem rem program start !! caution: folder cab_dir will be deleted !! rem cd %~dp0 set LDR_dir=%Work_Folder%\LDR set cab_dir=%LDR_dir%\cab set unpacked=%cab_dir%\unpacked IF EXIST "%cab_dir%" rd /s /Q "%cab_dir%" rem rem wait for RMDIR to finish rem echo Wait for RMDIR to finish echo. echo If you have to wait for long the folder echo "%cab_dir%" echo is in use (cancel cmd and start again) echo. :try_again IF EXIST "%cab_dir%" goto try_again IF NOT EXIST "%cab_dir%" md "%cab_dir%" IF NOT EXIST "%unpacked%" md "%unpacked%" ECHO ====================================================================== ECHO Extracting msu files if exist "%LDR_dir%\*.msu" expand -f:*.cab "%LDR_dir%\*.msu" "%cab_dir%" >nul rem wsusscan not needed if exist "%cab_dir%\wsusscan.cab" del "%cab_dir%\wsusscan.cab" /f /q >nul ECHO ====================================================================== ECHO Copying cab files if exist "%LDR_dir%\*.cab" xcopy "%LDR_dir%\*.cab" "%cab_dir%" /y >nul ECHO ====================================================================== ECHO Extracting cab files FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B "%cab_dir%\*.cab"') DO ( ECHO Extracting %%A MKDIR "%unpacked%\%%A" expand -f:* "%cab_dir%\%%A" "%unpacked%\%%A" >nul ) ECHO ====================================================================== ECHO Installing 9-LDR updates setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set number_of_updates=0 set install_updates=0 FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B /A:D "%unpacked%\*KB9*"') DO ( IF EXIST "%unpacked%\%%A\update-bf.mum" set /a number_of_updates+=1 ) FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B /A:D "%unpacked%\*KB9*"') DO ( IF EXIST "%unpacked%\%%A\update-bf.mum" ( set /a install_updates+=1 ECHO Installing %%A update:!install_updates! of %number_of_updates% dism %option% /LogPath:"%~dp0DISM.log" /loglevel:2 /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%unpacked%\%%A\update-bf.mum" /NoRestart ) IF EXIST "%unpacked%\%%A" rd /S /Q "%unpacked%\%%A" ) ECHO ====================================================================== ECHO Installing 2-LDR updates set number_of_updates=0 set install_updates=0 FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B /A:D "%unpacked%\*KB2*"') DO ( IF EXIST "%unpacked%\%%A\update-bf.mum" set /a number_of_updates+=1 ) FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B /A:D "%unpacked%\*KB2*"') DO ( IF EXIST "%unpacked%\%%A\update-bf.mum" ( set /a install_updates+=1 ECHO Installing %%A update:!install_updates! of %number_of_updates% dism %option% /LogPath:"%~dp0DISM.log" /loglevel:2 /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%unpacked%\%%A\update-bf.mum" /NoRestart ) IF EXIST "%unpacked%\%%A" rd /S /Q "%unpacked%\%%A" ) ECHO ====================================================================== ECHO Installing other LDR updates set number_of_updates=0 set install_updates=0 FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B /A:D "%unpacked%\*"') DO ( IF EXIST "%unpacked%\%%A\update-bf.mum" set /a number_of_updates+=1 ) FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B /A:D "%unpacked%\*"') DO ( IF EXIST "%unpacked%\%%A\update-bf.mum" ( set /a install_updates+=1 ECHO Installing %%A update:!install_updates! of %number_of_updates% dism %option% /LogPath:"%~dp0DISM.log" /loglevel:2 /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%unpacked%\%%A\update-bf.mum" /NoRestart ) IF EXIST "%unpacked%\%%A" rd /S /Q "%unpacked%\%%A" ) setlocal disabledelayedexpansion ECHO ====================================================================== IF EXIST "%cab_dir%" rd /s /Q "%cab_dir%" echo. echo ########################################################### echo. echo LDR updates are installed pause
I'm quite happy to do that! I just need some info on how Komm would like it set out... There may be a different way that may or may not be more appropriate. I contacted him privately in regards to this.
0x800f0906 error in W8 for the installation .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0). After the slipstream the updates February ' 13. And I get the error no longer away!! I then enter the command. dism/online//Enable-Feature/featurename: NetFX3/all/source: E:\Sources\SxS/LimitAccess. But nothing helps and what am I doing wrong?. It is the first time that I come across this and do it monthly. Is there an update in that is causing this? Sorry for my bad English.