Yes, I just reapplied the fix and now it shows as installed. I use KUC and the KUC_State showed OK. I think it should show ADD if the DISM state shows not present. That's one reason why I missed this in previous builds.
Microsoft can't remove the start menu system completely, it would break compatibility with so many programs. By completely I mean removing the start menu folder structure from the user folders, as you need icons to load the program! and the Windows 8 Start screen lists the stuff there anyway (just in a more awkward way). In term of actually pressing the start button and having the menu's listed, I have no doubt they'll strip Windows of that completely. I guess it looks like that Classicshell is the only one that actually is a standalone replacement. I have no doubt the other start menu's will regain there compatibility, just hope it's a free upgrade for those that already have it! (it may not be, since they may have to be reworked).
Yes. I read those posts also which were posted on 23rd March.. So I was expecting that the REPOSITORY will be alive on 24th March. But NO ACCESS message upto Today, 07:59 AM IST. That's why I posted here. Now it's working.
You need to run KUC again and it will tell you what is missing or needs to be removed. The order in which to run the commands is remove, copy then update. In order for KUC to create new commands, you need to create a new input text file as follows: dism /online /get-packages /format:table /English >path\filename.txt. Use this with KUC and check the output log after running it - it will tell you what you want to know. Once you've checked the output, run if present, 1. Remove 2. Copy and 3. Update. Repeat with new input until everything is okay and no new commands are created.
How can I create a new input Text File? (I don't know where to put the command "dism/..."? Can I just simply delete all the .cmd files and run KUC.exe again for it to creat new input text file and other necessary by itself? Because I think if we don't delete .cmd first, how can we know if those are created again or not.. Another problem is I don't know where the outppoot log file of KUC is located. Very much appreciate for your help!
To create the text file, enter that dism command that adric gave you in a command prompt window. But, as you mentioned, just run KUC again and it will create a new input file for you- on the second KUC screen (titled Enter File Name), just click Yes to have it create a new Packages file automatically. If your laptop got stuck on the first run, just run KUC again and have it make a new packages file so it knows what has been installed so far and then go through the screens until it's done. You don't need to delete the .cmd files since KUC will generate new ones for you. The output file of KUC is located in the folder that you run it from. Look for the file named packages_OUT.TXT. Also, remember to run KUC several times, if it has a lot of work to do since it can't do everything in one pass. The first run will remove unneeded/superseded updates, second run will install needed updates, but then run it again until it says it has 0 to remove and 0 to add.