komm found three hotfixes that don't have KB pages up yet. Here's what they contain: KB2815313 updates windows-iuilp (iuilp.dll) to .20679 (or .16575). KB2830507 updates windows-intl (intl.cpl) to .20663 (or .16559). KB2832957 updates windows-wwanapndatabase (ApnDatabase.xml) to to .20674 (or .16570) ------------------ Repo updated: Added: KB2815313 KB2830507 KB2832957 (x64 only) Removed: KB2797052 (superseded by KB2817183) ------------------ If you install the LDR after installing the GDR from KB2800033, then the GDR from KB2800033 will be superseded by those LDR components with the higher version number (even though the GDR has a newer date) and won't be active any more. So that method won't work, unfortunately.
Repo updated. Thanks to ricktendo64 for the heads-up on this one. In the changelog, I put the date as 4-17, to differentiate from the earlier changes today. Added: KB2828842-v2 Removed: KB2822219 (superseded by KB2828842-v2)
Hmm, haven't been able to access the changelog or use WDI for a while now (it worked initially). WDI times out, and the changelog links do also. I guess I got blocked! It's one of the reasons why this months old update remover etc was delayed, I ended up using Komm's lists.
Burf, if you're blocked, it's definitely a mistake and not intentional. Another user PM'ed me saying he no longer has access to the changelogs either. I don't control any of that though- it's all McRip making the decision on what IP ranges get blocked, based on activity from the server logs. He got pretty aggressive about blocking because the DDOS attacks were increasing. Try PM'ing McRip with your IP address and he should be able to get you unblocked. If I could do it, I would, but it's McRip's server and he controls that area. Sorry for the problem.
Yeah, I understand. I haven't bothered him with anything either while he's been there, so he can focus on healing. But he does have a laptop and he'll be glad to hear from you.
Another thing McRip could try (in addition to WinTK and WDI) is what komm did, the rss search style repo
Yes, I agree- that and the RSS search function are good ideas. Once McRip returns, maybe a discussion can be started about different options for the repos.
@Humphrey you have to use win toolkit or windows download integrator to download updates from the repo, access by browser is blocked. -andy-
Hi , One question, how to integrate fixiepropschema.exe and rvkroots.exe to windows 8 pro image or other exe files? I use windows download integrator. Thx in advance.
i install them through setupcomplete.cmd Code: @ECHO OFF cd %~dp0 start /wait Silverlight.exe /Q start /wait mpam-fe.exe /Q start /wait windows-kb890830-v4.19.exe /Q start /wait KB2772501-x86-all-fixiepropschema.exe start /wait KB931125-x86.exe /Q:A /R:N start /wait KB2798897-rvkroots.exe /Q:A /R:N start /wait delmigprov.exe start /wait wusa.exe Windows8-RT-KB2770816-x86.msu /quiet /norestart start /wait wusa.exe Windows8-RT-KB2771431-x86.msu /quiet /norestart RMDIR /S /Q "C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts" exit
Thanks for reply I'll give it a try in a WM. PS: in which folder of the iso must be located this file, I don't remember ?