How can I activate my Office 2013 VL on Windows 8? I have it installed in the directory: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15. I am confused, any help would be appreciated.
Hey Ian789 how'd you do it? Mine's installed at C:\Microsoft Office\Office15 Option to change the install path (and hence the scripting path) is needed for the kms tool.
Sorry haven't read through entire thread. Thanks for that peeps, I think readme should be updated with that too, it would be nice hmm, I get this:
Ah yes that worked! So it should be: Code: Activating Office: 1. Execute "Start KMSmicro 3.11.cmd", waiting for the server to boot. 2. Once the menu comes up: use option "T" for time synchronization server. 3. Use option "+" Charge KMS Server 4a. Execute as administrator file "Activation Helper v1.1 x64.exe" or "Activation Helper v1.1 x86.exe" to activate the computer. All, the system is activated for 180 days. 4b. Manual Activation: Navigate to location of ospp.vbs (the Office Software Protection Platform) script which should be in the Office1x folder. Run cmd.exe with Admin permission from this folder location. Execute these commands: cscript ospp.vbs /sethst: cscript ospp.vbs /act 5. Activated! 6. To check if activation was successful, run command cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus
Why 179, not 180? Using ColdZero's 64 bit Activation Helper v1.5 to activate Windows 8 Ent always gives 180 days. Using the 32 bit Helper v1.5 to activate Office 2013 always gives 179 days. Nothing to do with the Helper I'm sure (that was just added so that you know how I activated), but does anyone know why I get 179 instead of 180 days with Office? Just curious.
Ok after a a painful amount of school work finally got back on the forum and updated information in the repo to cover this. Trying to consolidate information on software is a total pain.
...... So..... using phone is the only option to activate office 2013 retail? and if can't do that, the other option is manually convert the office to VL.... or there is other way? i've try using KMSmicro 4 and failed...... any suggest?
KMSnano v4.1 Automatic and KMSnano v4.2 Automatic - Requierements: .NET 4.0 or Windows 8. - Activate Windows Vista/7/8 Pro/Enter/N/VL and Office 2013 Retail/VL.
win7 x86 cn_visio_professional_2013_x86_1138439 Office_Professional_Plus_2013_W32_ChnSimp_MLF_X18-55126 D:\Program Fileswin7\Office15 Microsoft Toolkit2.4 beta7 erro code: at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo) at System.Management.ManagementObject.InvokeMethod(String methodName, ManagementBaseObject inParameters, InvokeMethodOptions options) at ..( , String , Boolean , String , Int32 , String , Boolean , Boolean ) at ..(Boolean , Boolean , String , Boolean , String , Int32 , ) at ..(Object , DoWorkEventArgs )