Dont run this as admin, if you do it will send you to c:\windows\system32 folder (see you screenshot) and it wont find qemu, just run it normally.
Hi, I just saw you post... hope I am not to late.. No, you wont see the KMSmicro on your netwrok since it will never have a local LAN ip, it would be just if you use the first cmd file and something like 10.0.2.?? if you us the 0-1-Run.cmd" file (tis one is portforwarding the LAN IP from the machine you are running it on, so it answers to it when activating using that IP (your local LAN IP))..
Code: LineOut GetResource("L_MsgPartialPKey") & "XXXXX" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgPartialPKey") & objProduct.PartialProductKey
I know. The partial key is the same we already know: B*W*F. How does it know to activate Office2013 on Win8? My KMS VM using that key can't activate 2013 on Win8.
Hi boys, any new servers? I did activate mine from Headwalkers's walkercorps last night, but that has been down for some time now.
Yeh, it's BETA. Because my computer's floppy device makes a sound every time I open ''Computer'' stat menu or from the desktop. Exactly same sound: Each time a PC computer boots it will read the floppy disk drive to verify if a disk is in the drive and if present try booting from that diskette. This is always case, as I've been using the BETA (Office, Windows) version of M$. The sound comes only BETA versions. I have not found a solution on how to remove it. (Only disable in BIOS) Must wait for the RTM version, which have no more sounds.
i Need help. i got the micro kms 3.10 to activate other computers running windows and office 2010 on my lan. but if i try to activate office 2013 it will not activate. the micro kms say that office 2013 is running on ip not so there fore it will not connect. how doi fix this.
Yep, can confirm, is working here . On Win 8 Pro WMC got Office 2013 successfully activated. Will test last KMSmicro now.
How do I activate my Office 2013? I have the retail version. But I can't find any keys. What do I do?