Question... I've just got an Acer Windows 8 Laptop which has CoreSingleLanguage SKU. If I setup the laptop just how I want it with all software (Office etc) and then clone the HD will I be able to use that image on any Windows 8 laptop that has CoreSingleLanguage SKU? My idea was that if a colleague or friend wanted their new Windows 8 laptop setup I could just boot up their new PC, extract their unique product key - then swap their HD re-image with the Acer image (with all the software etc) and then simply insert the new product key and get activated? I guess the answer is probably a no though..
That's ineteresting... I'll try it on the next Windows 8 laptop I get my hands on... I suppose there might be a bit of a license/hardware mismatch between the non Acer laptop and the Acer Win 8 HD image which might need phone re-activation or such perhaps?
It would be very helpful for commumity if you could share files from "skus" folder (system32\spp\tokens\skus from CoreSingleLanguage edition).
Here you go. This is the whole SKUS folder from the "virgin" Acer HD (the HD hasn't even been spun up) so all files are as shipped
@Tito I'm confused (I know it's easy) In another forum post you wrote the above.. So, if I prepare a software "loaded" HD image based on my Acer CoreSingleLanguage SKU laptop to use on a non Acer Win 8 CoreSingleLanguage SKU laptop then doesn't that go against your thoughts above? PS Or does using the prepared image instead of a "fresh install" change things? I haven't had the chance to test it out but I was hoping to just extract the key from the new PC before reimaging it and then entering it again to activate it. Could you just clarify what you meant - ta. PS:- Is it because I'd be using a pre-prepared image instead of a fresh install?
Yah... as there is no installation media of CoreSingleLanguage SKU leaked till now, we can only make a sysprepped image from a new pc.
Oh I see - it's because the prepared image is created from a CoreSingleLanguage SKU installation as opposed to a fresh install which can't be done as there is no available install media - it all makes sense now
More questions..... I booted up the Acer Windows 8 new laptop for the first time and did a couple of tests. (I haven't activated it as yet) I've attached a couple of screengrabs:- one from The Ultimate PID checker and one from the RW utility... So... 2 questions.... 1. Is the information as reported by the RW utility in the MSDM Table (showing the product key ending in G2736) hard written into the BIOS? 2. Is this the CoreSingleLanguage SKU or not? TIA
I just saw a Win8 BIOS posted on the HP Site for my computer: Search for 8300 Elite. There's a driver pack for the computer under Win8 too. How can you see if it's contains OA 3.0 or OA 2.2, I checked and it has OA 2.1 in it still as per notes (Fixed an issue with OS activation when downgrading to Windows 7 using HP System Software Restore Disks.)
Maybe this already got answered here but anyway... with this knowledge should you avoid Slic modded bioses? Thanks! /smyr