Windows 8 preinstalled licenses, AKA OA2.2 and OA3.0

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by Yen, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. sevenacids

    sevenacids MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2012
    Right, but I'm afraid that this time, Microsoft's not been as stupid as they used to be and I'm curious how it's going to end. I'm not really interested in Windows 8, but I still hope people can and will break it. I wouldn't like to see Microsoft win this match.

    There's yet another challenge: Jailbreaking the Windows Store! ;)
  2. Rock Hunter

    Rock Hunter MDL Senior Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    There has always been a way. Microsoft puts a lot of effort into protecting their software but there has always been someone just a little smarter who could figure out a way to get around Microsoft's protection system. My money will be on the hackers once again.
  3. hack

    hack MDL Senior Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    An analogy is comparable to metaphor and simile in that it shows how two different things are similar, but it’s a bit more complex. Rather than a figure of speech, an analogy is more of a logical argument. The presenter of an analogy will often demonstrate how two things are alike by pointing out shared characteristics, with the goal of showing that if two things are similar in some ways, they are similar in other ways as well.

    There is a country called Microsoft that has developed a new vehicle licencing scheme to combat theft. The vehicle licencing authority has named this scheme OA3.

    All vehicle manufacturers are required to stamp a VIN number supplied by the Licencing Authority on all new vehicles. Once manufacturing is complete the VIN number along with a Snapshot of the new vehicle are sent back to the licencing authority. This snapshot is called a Car Build Report or CBR.

    When a customer pays for a new vehicle they acquire the rights to use the vehicle but do not own the vehicle. In order to combat theft of the vehicle you do not own, the new customer will within an estimated 4 hour period run into a roadblock. The police officer will check the VIN number and compare the vehicle to the snapshot on record. If there are any signs of tampering or the records do not match the vehicle in question then the driver will be detained. If the vehicle matches the records you will be allowed to proceed. This is one of many roadblocks the vehicle will have to clear in its lifetime. If the vehicle is modified at any stage beyond a yet to be announced criteria you will be detained at the next roadblock.

    There are other countries that do not see the need for this approach. One of these countries is Google. Vehicle theft does not exist as they give the Vehicles away and generate income from advertising on the Vehicle. If you do not like the Microsoft licencing system you may consider moving to a country that does things differently.

    Probably an over simplification and lots of typos.
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  4. _spinner_

    _spinner_ MDL Addicted

    Apr 3, 2011
    It's not about us, it is about a challenge... it always takes time, yeah this time more than before, at this time we are nearly 50 % that do not like ore use Windows 8, and another 50% who is fashinated about it!
    Between them there are the smartest who will use Windows 8 as a challenge to "be the first to open that door", aftert that others will follow and we are going to have a few solution....

    Remember, when you put the strongest wall in the middle of the road you will stop al the drivers but someone will find a way to pass over, just a matter of time!!

    And making the price of the OS so cheap(7 was 10 times higher, to much difference for an OS that is fast and fluid) is the first sign of weakness and scare
    If you are really so convinced that your new product is better and more useful than before, you do not need to lower the price that much :D
  5. sauronxxx

    sauronxxx MDL Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    can someone explain what will be the difference to win 7 when re-activating a win8 OEM system?

    there are millions of hobbyists who change the mobo and other hardware.

    how will they make sure, when i use a customer serial (COA) to re-activate, that i have an OEM system?
    when i change the mobo... an online check can not see all the stored infos in the original bios anymore.

    so when i have a original COA license... what stops me from activating 4 sytems in 4 weeks telling them i tried a few different motherboards for my PC?
  6. naseap

    naseap MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    In Win8 you can only have 1 system activated at a time with a retail/Oem key.
  7. sauronxxx

    sauronxxx MDL Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    sorry but that does not answer my question at all.

    how will they know i have 4 different systems?

    as i wrote:
    so when i have a original COA license... what stops me from activating 4 sytems in 4 weeks telling them i tried a few different motherboards for my PC?

    once a system is activated is stays activated or not?
    i asked before in this thread if the activation is periodically checked and the answer was NO.
  8. sevenacids

    sevenacids MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2012
    Nice analogy, but moving to another country because things are done differently there doesn't solve the original problem: Passing the road blocks with a stolen car in Microsoft country. You only back away from it. And even if Google is giving away vehicles for free doesn't mean that you own them - vehicles (= software) gets licensed, so all you'll ever "own" is the right to use it, not more, not less.

    For example, everybody - even the people who should know better - thinks that downloading a genuine ISO from a torrent site means that you are stealing software. But that's not true: You're only breaking the law if you install it without a proper license. Owning a physical file or disc with Windows 8 on it is completely legal, you're just not allowed to use it without the magic key. :D
  9. naseap

    naseap MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    Yes I did answer your question. You can't have more than 1 system activated at a time with a retail or OEM key. It is as simple as that. Say you call once and they activate you then you call back a week later and tell them your story about the MB. They will now activate that machine and the previous activation ID is no longer valid and the first activation will become deactivated. The activation server will not allow more than 1 activation at a time.
  10. sauronxxx

    sauronxxx MDL Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    sorry i misread first so i have edited my posting:

    how can they deactivate the first system?
    it´s not existent anymore.. i have changed the mobo.. the harddisk with the former win8 installation is formated (at least that´s what i will tell them).

    i asked before if the activation will be periodically checked.. YEN said no.

    i try to get my head around how they will handle hobbyists that change hardware very often.
  11. sevenacids

    sevenacids MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2012
    Of course you can change hardware as much as you like, it's just that the previous configuration will be invalidated and not activate anymore. Only one configuration can be active at a time.
  12. naseap

    naseap MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    Forget it. I did not say that. Yes you can but you can't have more than 1 machine activated at a time with the same retail or OEM key. I think we are misunderstanding each other. If you are trying to activate 4 different machines on the same key then who is breaking the law? Think about what your are saying.
  13. sauronxxx

    sauronxxx MDL Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    again HOW they will do that is my question!!
    i KNOW that i am only allowed to have one system activated.. my question is HOW they make sure.
  14. sevenacids

    sevenacids MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2012
    The SPP service is monitoring your system all the time and check against M$ servers when you are connected to the internet and that's how they will know. Correct me if I'm wrong...
  15. sauronxxx

    sauronxxx MDL Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    yes sorry i misread your post first... i read "NO" instead of "NOW".

    still my question is: how can they deactivate the first system?
    it´s not existent anymore.. i have changed the mobo.. the harddisk with the former win8 installation is formated (at least that´s what i will tell them).

    i asked before if the activation will be periodically checked.. someone said no and nobody said something different.

    if the activation IS checked peridodially then i understand... of course.
  16. sauronxxx

    sauronxxx MDL Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    i asked if this is the case on one of the first pages of this thread and the answer was NO. :confused:
  17. naseap

    naseap MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    What happens is this. You have the original install and activated. You now need to change the MB, you call M$ and they activate you with the new MB. This now gives your key a new installation ID which is stored on the M$ server. Once this happens your previous installation ID has now automatically become deactivated. The servers are programmed to deactivate a previous installation ID when a new one is given out for the same key.
  18. sauronxxx

    sauronxxx MDL Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    for that to happen the first system has to connect to M$... and i was told in this thread win8 will not do that once it is activated.

    you understand my problem... if it is true that a once activated a system will NOT check it´s activation periodically.. it will never know it has been deactivated.
  19. naseap

    naseap MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    It does not work that way. I don't know much about how the PC checks with the M$ servers but I do know that if you are connected to the internet the system will become deactivated. If what you described would work then why wouldn't people just activate many PCs this way. What you are saying is not logical. Think about what you are saying. Sorry but I can't explain this any better.
  20. sevenacids

    sevenacids MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2012
    Then we need anybody to confirm that the SPP service is not checking against M$ servers once it's activated. If it does, you could activate a machine and it will stay activated as long as you don't connect it to the internet anymore, but that's very unlikely nowadays. I don't think there's a way to block it.