Windows 9 Product Key Viewer

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by woot332, Nov 17, 2011.

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  1. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
  2. herzeleid

    herzeleid MDL Novice

    Jan 27, 2013
    Thank you so much :worthy:
  3. PaulDesmond

    PaulDesmond MDL Magnet

    Aug 6, 2009
    there is a thanks button to avoid spam like yours
  4. pennsylvaniaron

    pennsylvaniaron MDL Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    will this tool be able to get the product key from the bios before booting to win 8 from a bootable cd or flash drive? Regards...
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  5. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Noop... you need to use RW-Everything for that.
  6. pennsylvaniaron

    pennsylvaniaron MDL Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    how to do it with rw-everything

    tito, how would I go about doing that with rw-everything on a bootable:confused: in addition if someone has an oem (say dell, hp, emachine etc) with windows 8 pre-installed and they need a new install because of virus, corruption etc how does one know which version of win 8 (and 32 or 64 bit) was installed even if we can read the product key:eek: Regards...
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  7. pennsylvaniaron

    pennsylvaniaron MDL Member

    Dec 4, 2009
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  8. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Er.....! One of the first steps I all time do while receiving a new Computer, is to check what's installed and that includes the OS. Min I would shot a screen pic or even print out what I found just for to keep record.

    Regarding RW-Everything: you'll need to run RW-E from within Windows to be able to get the Product Key.
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  9. pennsylvaniaron

    pennsylvaniaron MDL Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    ok so you're saying if someone gave you an oem desktop or laptop with pre-installed windows 8 and they did not have any windows 8 disks (common) there is no way of knowing which windows 8 version is on that computer?:( So how do you install windows 8 and activate it if you do not know which version to install?:confused::confused: Regards...
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  10. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    NO,I haven't said that!! I said:

    which simply means that I run Windows and check which version of the OS is running etc. etc.!

    If you had make your home work, you have read the related Thread's/Post's on this forum and had get all answers already. So, start to do your home work now!
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  11. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    :biggrin: The first thing I do is make recovery disks especially with a New Computer.
  12. pennsylvaniaron

    pennsylvaniaron MDL Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    Guys, the computer does not boot. nada. you get some type of boot error. There is no coa sticker. The owner is a 75 yr old woman who plays freecell. she doesn't know her windows version from a window pane. Are we on board now. See where I'm going? We are doing a repair (re-install) for someone. How do you know which windows to re-install if no coa, product key etc etc. regards...
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  13. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    #115 urie, Feb 20, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2013
    you can make up a Windows Pe disk and boot from that and run RW-Everything. Or even try and get a hold of say Active@ Boot Disk you can add RW-Everything to it before you burn cd or usb flash drive.
  14. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    If you had posted all details up front, you may had get better answers! It's a matter of facts that you didn't posted all details, didn't had read the related Thread's/Post's and expected that other's know what you're not were talking about!

    We're not Magican's, Diviner's or whatsoever, we just rely on what infos we got!

    As urie told above, you could use an Windows PE bootable DVD/USB Stick and run RW-Everything from there! You could also use a RTM ISO of Windows 8 for to re-install Windows 8 which will automatically recover the Product Key from BIOS of the Laptop, AFAIK!

    As I wrote in post before, if you had read all the relevant Thread's/Post's you had read that several times already and even haven't need to ask any more. Don't be lazy Mister!
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  15. pennsylvaniaron

    pennsylvaniaron MDL Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    maybe it's me

    I don't know, maybe it's me. You say the bios will pick up the product key. Cool. So say the machine came with the core version and I install the pro version because I have no idea that it came with the core version since there is no way to know that unless i'm missing something here. Then I will not be able to activate this pro version of windows 8. what are we supposed to do try to install all the versions of windows 8 till we guess right?:confused:
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  16. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  17. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    Can you not just boot from a windows 8 DVD and repair the system.
  18. pennsylvaniaron

    pennsylvaniaron MDL Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    I need to install the correct version

    Tito one of your links is not working (this).
    I repair computers. No one ever has their windows cd. Win 7 is a breeze because I will install a slipstreamed win 7 edition to match the version on the coa sticker. then use daz loader or opatool to activate legally since the client has a legal version of the win 7 software and a 2.1 slic.

    I need to do the same thing with windows 8. I have the core versions and the pro versions I believe downloaded from the MDL site awhile ago. All I want to be able to do is when a client comes in with a trashed win 8 installation is to be able to install the CORRECT Win 8 version that CAME WITH THEIR MACHINE and ACTIVATE it. That's as plain as I can state what I NEED to do. Regards...
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