I have found the solution to my problem. It looks like Kaspersky Endpoint Protection was interfering with the WDI process some how. Upgrading to KES 10 made no difference, so if anyone runs into my problem in the future, disable KES or any AV while using WDI
Need a little bit of help here... I went to build an AIO Win7/Win8 disc with all versions, x32 and x64, and it says that it was created successfully. I can find the ISO file where it says, and when I open the ISO with WDI it shows all the versions of both Win7 and Win8 are included already. When I went to install from USB, the computer booted into setup just fine, but only gave me the options of installing Win7, not Win8... Is there something special I need to do in order to have both OSs an option from the start? Has anyone gotten this working that can help me out? Thanks in advance!
Why can I download mcripp /komm updates with WDI? It says updates are offline and been this way for a few days
The new version will be released pretty soon. I guess you also want a bug-free version. So, folks, please be a little patient. Thanks in advance.
The only reason you would get a setup failed is the updates/drivers you integrated. You should know what updates/drivers to integrate rather than just adding a whole bunch of random ones. Also this tool does not integrate drivers to boot.wim, also if you want to be able to choose your setup language you need to apply the LP to boot.wim also..
Has anyone written a readme or instructions? I can't get this to do anything. .Net 4.0 is installed. I selected my Win7 USB drive as the source. Selected Download Windows updates, and it scans the flash drive and shows only 12 things? Doesn't seem to be working correctly. When I install from that flash drive and run Windows Updates, there are at least 90.
I wouldn't select a USB drive as source for integration (added warning for size). Also you shouldn't be able to download any updates using 3.3 atm (not until 3.4). Another thing is i've been running tests for my Service Pack Integrator.. Results: Windows 7 SP1 (wave0) Time for integration (25mins) Windows 7 SP1 (wave1) Time for integration (40mins - 50mins) Does this time sound about right (ive never integrated a SP1 in Windows 7..
Updating WDI (03/03/2013), will be released within the week EDIT: New Version BetaR3.4 (RELEASED ON 20/03/2013)
Some peeps here have the host hotfix.cesidian.info. Do they use older versions? Alpha, make sure you've changed it to hotfix2.cesidian.info, win8.cesidian.info, office2010.cesidian.info and office2013.cesidian.info