Pity, but thanks, maybe somebody else can pick it from here... Maybe you can make at least a list of what is included in it? (if you ever download it of course)
Download was finaly improved... i never thought they would do something on this. Seem regular Win 7 Pro. - ei.cfg has OEM Channel. X15-68960 X15-68966 X15-80606 is OPK - Won't Install if WAIK / ADK is installed.
Looks like very regular OPK for Win7. Nothing Embedded related at all. - Readme says - OEM OPK for Win 7 - For: Win7 Server 2008 R2 Server 2008 Vista SP1 Witihin the embedded channelis is much less magic than people would expect. I also was wondering for months what "for embedded systems" means and how opk's differ to regular. It's not that speciaized as it should be... More disapointings than grateful enhancements. .NET updates are one of the best examples... providing regular updates in just another package (X##-#######) in any kind of version... x86 + x64 ... a new update included means new X##-#######. Additional Readme... new X##-####### and so on. Size of Images is growing and documentation (before download) isn't available at all (most of the time). Like a gift, you have to download to know what is inside. Declared as 'Important Embedded Update' and after hours (6+) of slow download you recognize that only regular downloads are included you could have your work done hours /a day ago. You could just downloaded it from the regular download center with full speed and wouldn't wait for the slow download to finish with nearly useless info.
Don't have the original ZIP! (not img or iso) file anymore (7GB) But here the hash for X15-80606.img: 4dcef4104d66c84882f7313e9d3f2cd8
drivers work fine....thats not the issue at all the issue is that WES7 does not include the entire 'windows features' module or whatever its properly called this is required for some essential supporting software for brother multi-function printers...particularly the control center software if i recall correctly windows embedded enterprise would have that integrated
Hi LostED, I just joined here and have been hunting for a clean original version of Windows 7 Embedded Standard. We bought a package of 300 licences and then found out that although Microsoft were happy to allow the licences to apply to Win 7 Embedded Standard rather than the current Embedded 8.1, they weren't prepared to let us have the installation disk or files to get started. I notice that you have previously been able to help out with this and I would be very grateful if you were able to help me with this problem. This predicament is really causing me pain at the moment.
@LostED Hello, could you PM me that links please? I really need them. Thanks in advance! I tried requesting by PM but I just registered and don't meet the post count requirments.
Well, I have no idea what you put in these posts. MD5 checksums? I need these things... Can you reup? Also.. the file list you posted seems to be the toolkit. I just need a 'vanilla', blank, default W Embedded 7 ISO to test in virtualbox with no drivers or customization. Thanks in advance.
The eval copy is the retail version of wes7. just download the eval. the key for windows only does the magic. you don't even need the toolkit key if 180 days if enough for you (or may cleaning the registry information with 180 days)
Hi there LostED, I have been trying to get Win 7 embedded work from a VHD but only recently have found out that only the Ultimate version supports it. Could you please send me a link to Win 7 Embedded Ultimate if you can? Thanks and Regards