hi, i just downloaded pos ready 2009 full version. i wonder where to find recovery isos for extracting product key. in the first post it has been said "nice company put recovery iso online" but i can't any of that and the link is broken. can you help me? thank you in advance!
hi, i downloaded Rec768P9 but it's just 200 mb and *.wim files doesn't look right can you help me out how to extract? thank you
Maybe @Humphrey or some other members can help you Hashes for file should be Code: File: Rec768P9.iso CRC-32: dd93d8ca MD4: 5008f800e985d9d93e50b8b0e347366c MD5: 76a259111a30a586a0072661b2a721c1 SHA-1: 00a02506aa6a5bf3ee1bafbd2024b26bdf658d64 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/sha1-verification-xp-thru-8.46780/
the best methode are xp sp3 volume license with posready addons update more simple to install check xpesd