Has anyone got iphone to work, ie: to transfer pictures via the explorer or the photo wizard? I can't install the iphone driver.. MTP device problem? thanks
I tired to get the PK from the restore image with the script edited and Im pretty sure I have it right but Im getting this error: Line:27, Char:2, Errror: Type mismatch, Code 800A000DSource VBScript runtime error. I also tried to boot the restore image in VMware and it doesnt boot?
onetwo3 - First, try reinstall VirtualBox and VMWare Workstation. If doesn't working POSReady after installing again, try install in VMWare Player or Virtual PC 2007.
hi WinDev, POS2009 is working, and no problems with VMs either. Im trying to get the PK from the restore CD.
Can anyone get System File Checker (sfc) to install? When I try to shutdown,log-off,restart, there is no response. thanks
Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 Recovery CD Download Download the Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 recovery cd from here: www_mintronix_com/Download/Rec768P9.iso
POS2009 Retail Key pastebin_com/download.php?i=G9xtgPF6 pastebin_com/G9xtgPF6 Will do all windows updates and WGA.
installed in vmware workstation with everything loaded (full install) but could not get VirtualBox to cooperate for installation or after installation on USB. installation is slow as mentioned but now that Ive got it set up it also takes longer to finish loading stuff after boot up than XPsp3. has anyone else noticed this? other things Ive noticed that I dont think have been mentioned yet.. lots of extra network services including two types of netbios when you check properties of your network connections. ipv6 is installed and running out of the box (I uninstalled it) everything for XP seems to install and run with no problems. I like it enough to spend more time tweaking it, much better than 7 (I hate 7) now to learn how to find and install the updates for it that come from that website that I cant access..
dotnet4 wont install, error log says it needs wic_x86_chs.exe so I found that and it wont install but no log to check for that, it just starts extracting the a pop-up with all "?????????????????" and and "OK" button and after that nothing. anyone know how to install dotnet4?
if you want to install the updates you can use my private WSUS server, h_t_t_p://www_mjscomputersunlt_com:8530 - just google wsus clients without ad and add the address to the registry script then apply it, then run wuauclt /detectnow /reportnow and give a while and it should be getting updates through windows updates from the private server. if you have any question let me know since i have to move the pos2009 machines to a specific group that has .net 4.0 excluded since it won't install and gives errors.
create a new group on WSUS and exclude all the updates except for .net4 for that specific group, move the computer you one to have .net4 only into that group. Next time that computer asks the WSUS for updates it will only get .NET4 - In the other hand i tried out POS2009 on vmware player and it runs great, i haven't notice anything loading slower. I'm more interested in looking at what updates XP Pro installs VS POS2009 version.
Im just running the updater.exe when using WSUS but thanks for the exclude tips, that should still work when running it from the .exe. let us know how the WIC install works, I havent tried it after .NET4 installed but before that it wouldnt install. please share your findings on the updates too.