Add this to your code, so it can be execute as administrator without problems: example: @echo off @color 3F cls rem [Select Current Directory] set BATDIR1=%~dp0 cd /d %BATDIR1% :START
Thank you! Updating Windows Expert Tool 3.9.5 Code: Windows Expert Tool 3.9.5: - Update codes - Update WebBrownserPass.exe e more...
Been testing out your tool today since i last tested it and i get wireless password up to version 3.7 wasn't sure about 3.8 as the link is dead but the latest version doesn't show any of my saved wireless passwords. added: can comfirm that 3.8.2 version doesn't show wirelesskeys either
Nope, I disabled comodo and disconnected it from the internet so the cloud scan could not interfere either. Using Windows 7 x64 i tried from multiple versions and as i said, the wirelesskey.html only had information up to version 3.7 test it out, to confirm please
After version 3.7 I removed some applications X64.exe Maybe that's why this error. I will add back those applications in version 3.9.5. Please be patient. Regards, Code: Version 3.8 * Added 'Password Strength' column, which calculates the strength of the password and displays it as Very Weak, Weak, Medium, Strong, or Very Strong in WebBrowserPass.html * Added support for TP-LINK TL-WR700N, advanced versions of TL-WR340G, and probably other TP-LINK routers * Save lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer, as well as all USB devices that you previously used * Too Support for Firefox 10 Beta 2, Google Chrome 17 Beta and others WebBrownsers * Update: Keys.exe, Update.exe and Passwords.exe to 3.8 * Use UPX Tool + for small size in some aplications * Removed some applications and added some others applications * Update some Applications Recover * Updates Scripts Comands * Some Small Bugs Fixeds * Changed Icons