Release Version 4.6.0: Code: * Fixed bug: WebBrowserPassView failed to work with master password of Firefox containing non-English characters. * WebBrowserPassView now extracts the passwords from all profiles of Firefox Web browser and reads the profiles.ini file of Firefox to get the correct profile folders. * USBdeview.exe : Update for Windows 8: It seems that on Windows 8, it's impossible to detect from the Registry whether a device is connected or disconnected, so instead of using the Registry, a device is displayed as connected if it has power/version information.
Release Version 4.7.0 (2013/04/17) Code: * Added support for Outlook 2013 * Update some Applications Recover * Some Small Bugs Fixeds Regards, Paiva
Thanks, this will come in extremely handy (especially the Wireless code viewer). Just and FYI, you had some information in the text files. I'm not sure if you wanted, what I assume is, your email listed in there or not.
You are welcome here! Usually all that is saved on your system attempts to be recovered (e-mails...) . Regards
Question, is it possible to run this from a command line such as running it with a switch to automatically run part or do you have to go through the options. Thinking it would be handy for supporting something, if can make a small script that would run certain options then they just give you the file to assist them with the recovery. Thanks
Welcome , The script is used to accomplish everything quickly. Bring individual options maybe in a future version. Regards, Paiva
Hi Paiva!! First i would like to thank you for your great idea! I use your tool daily. Really very good! But I would like to suggest you to update the nirsoft tools. I am using the 4.7.0 and there are some tools that were updated. Some with some good improvments like the routerpassview, that now you can capture de ddwrt pass JFYI The following tools were updated: Dialupass 3.16->3.20 Produkey 1.54->1.62 Produkey64 1.54->1.62 RouterPassView 1.46->1.47 USBDeview 2.20->2.25 There is a USBDeview for 64 bits too WebBrowserPassView 1.37->1.43 WirelessKeyView 1.61->1.67 Another suggestion: Instead of having 2 options 32 / 64 bits, how about try to check from command line if the Windows is 32 or 64 bits. A suggestion in batch: PS: I will release an unauthorized version with updated tools lol
@ HaWKBRC, Hello guy, Thanks for your opinion... I will update the tools. And soon put available for download. Regards, Paiva