How am I supposed to download this as all 11 hosting sites don't let me to do it?! Finally I have managed it! Thank you, I have updated GDism.
phox dont take credit phox dont take credit on things u didn't make Microsoft.Windows.7.SP1.x64.ESD-LiTE8 - 2014.3
Edit It's KB2919442. So do i have to commit the image after KB2919442 before integrating the other updates or can i just dism them in this order and then commit?
No, just make sure you integrate each update package alone and as matter of fact, RTM Dism 6.3.9600.16384 can successfully integrate those updates so we don't even need the new ADK or Dism
Yes, that was a typo, sorry. What I did was put a number before the 2919442 update and so forth like: 1-Windows8.1-KB2919442-x64.msu 2-Windows8.1-KB2919355-x64.msu etc. Then you can just point it at the directory I believe... Forgive me if it doesn't work, I haven't tested it yet. Sometimes they do things differently than most programs, like sorting by date or something.
I tried it your way but on 2nd update KB2919355, I get the update cannot be integrated due to pending update to servicing components in the image. What else can be done? I am using an untouched MSDN 8.1 Pro X64 VL edition.
Integrate each update alone, e.g: Code: Dism /Image:C:\mount\Windows /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\MSU\Windows8.1-KB2919442-x64.msu Dism /Image:C:\mount\Windows /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\MSU\Windows8.1-KB2919355-x64.msu Dism /Image:C:\mount\Windows /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\MSU\Windows8.1-KB2932046-x64.msu Dism /Image:C:\mount\Windows /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\MSU\Windows8.1-KB2937592-x64.msu
It also tells me to install a silverlight update from 05/04/2012 lol. After stripping the iso using win reducer i only have 2 updates the silverlight mentioned above and MRT for feb 2014
I didn't take credit for anything, but after my question from post #216: I followed suggestion from from post #217: and after lot of trial and errors i have managed to make ESD version of my "W7SP1IE11Virgo.iso". Your version: "Microsoft.Windows.7.SP1.x64.ESD-LiTE8 - 2014.3" is much better than mine and I will use it from now on, as also your version of “Microsoft Windows 8.1 x86 Desktop-LiTE8 2014”. I thank you for great work you are doing and I am sorry for misunderstanding. Kind regards.
the 32bit version is available week before you come up with it that's why i come to this conclusion np im sorry too its happened once or two in past that why its alerting me so much
No harm done! I admire your work and I am looking forward for Lite8 U1. I am also looking for vLite replacement to be able for further slimming of Win7/81: to remove properly DVD Maker, Mail and Side Gadgets, for example.
What's the advantage of creating such Frankenbuilds ? Btw, thought the thread is about Integration not frankenbuilding obviously with very little knowledge about the topic. Wouldn't rely on the stability of those builds in some hardcore scenarios .