Nope, tried, you need to integrate 2919442 alone and then 2919355, otherwise it will fail, the other KB's could be installed before or after.
MS started sending out ESD's in WCP, and since then win8 installers were capable to perform on ESD, the problem is only until win8.1+update1 DISM could apply ESD, and not imageX, maybe MS will eventually turn more to ESD when DISM/imageX can perform flawlessly like on wim's, I don't know.
I'm a bit burnt out on the spring update integration for now. I've spent every waking moment since the links were discovered integrating and testing everything to do with these things... You might try that msmg toolkit... My only advice for now would be to integrate the prelim updates, then the main updates... perhaps do it in a for /l loop for however many indices you have in your aio.. Or you could save yourself a hell of a lot of time and just get my wim version I put on TPB and just use the indices how you feel.
Much Thanks for this Murphy along with your ESD compressed 8.1 image. I think I'll snatch this and put this into Word. I already had the DISM commands though because well doing pre-install stuff was fun
Should be no problem for a Desktop System . Have Cyberfox and WMC running beside the conversion. Must commit it's good to have 16 GB RAM for that .
yes but its lite version so its ok its makes the system unstable i barely can do something need to change the priority
Hmmm, i even tested to run a VM beside it with no problems (OK the VM might react a bit laggy, but it runs). Have an i5 3570 K @ 4 GHz running then @ 53°C .
Yep, Win 8.1 Spring Update ProfessionalWMC . BTW: Got even ready creating ESD with Win 8.1 S14U ProfessionalWMC(1), Professional(2) and Core(3). ESD is 4,56 GB.
Microsoft Windows 8.1 x64 U1 - LiTE8 2014 mid March 1.08 GB ISO Microsoft Windows 8.1 x86 U1 - LiTE8 2014 mid March 850 MB ISO 32bit esd is 670mb 64bit esd is 950mb
Still don't get the clue of those slimmed WIMs/ESDs. In the last time i only needed Win 7 Ultimate and the three Win 8.x Versions to be on my usb pen drive (16 GB). No need to carry stuff i never use. In case i need Server ISO i simply switch ISOs from USB HDD to my pen drive. Also i always faced instability issues in some hardcore scenarios (VMware .... ) with such builds back in Win 7 RTLite times.