Fixed a bug with the gpt partitioning erroring out when hitting the "active" line. If you had proto 1 you might want to get at least 1.01 while we work on more complex stuff. I normally won't mention fixes unless there's a fatal flaw like this.
I have made Win811Pro.iso capturing activated (with EZactivator) OS from VMware. When I reinstall it on VMware it is automathicaly also activated: ---------------------------------------- AutoKMS Ran At 3/24/2014 7:18:36 AM. Using built-in KMS Server Emulator. Attempting To Activate Microsoft Windows Attempting to Activate Professional <Product activation successful> ---------------------------------------- But when I install it on real PC it is not nor could be activated with MS Toolkit?! ---------------------------------------- AutoKMS Ran At 3/24/2014 7:44:09 AM. Using built-in KMS Server Emulator. Attempting To Activate Microsoft Windows Failed to inject LocalHost Bypass DLL. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: path Attempting to Activate Professional ERROR CODE: 0x8007000D ERROR TEXT: The data is invalid. <Product activation failed> ---------------------------------------- What is wrong, please?
@Murphy, I made a brief operation, but as I am quite noob in these things and quite busy these days, maybe you could advise on it: As we know after we add packages of the 4 MSU's to 16384, we can't clean image/resetbase because of the pending.xml, seems it would require further on-line operations upon installation. So, what I did was first add package 2919422, no problem, and no pending.xml. Then, I add packages of the other 3, this time added the switch "/preventpending", operation done. Then, run imagecleanup and resetbase, it finished, unmounts, the result install.wim is only small bit larger than 16384. Now, I mount the new install.wim again: - get currentedition reports 16384 - get packages showed 3 MSU's properly installed, however, didn't show 2191355, instead it was something "fundamental"(sorry forgot to take pics). - it could enable feature .net3.5 - failed to set edition ProWMC, reported "image servicng error". I didn't try to install it, you have any ideas?
Yes, they did a technology update in one of the last 8.0 servicing stack updates that allowed offline update to servicing stack. It doesn't extend to hotfixes, unfortunately. The /preventpending just cancels the integration of the hotfix in question that would normally set the pending flag. It's really fairly useless as almost every single update will set the pending flag. You can, however do a /resetbase on a winpe image after installing kb2919355 (no it doesn't extend to install.wim images) Unfortunately, as I learned the hard way; doing this on the bootable image will break your setup and give you driver errors. You can do it on the non-boot index (boot.wim index 1) for upgrade support, but I have not found any good reason to do so. You can update the servicing stack 2919442 in the bootable index, which is actually probably a good idea. It is recommended to do the updating on the winre.wim in the system32\recovery directory (hidden, system file) This part is a bit complex as Windows loves to move your winre.wim from system32\recovery to the hidden recovery partition. To modify that you either have to run diskpart and locate/assign the partition a letter, or modify the file in the offline image before installing. Example of what you would do in diskpart post-install: Code: diskpart list disk select disk 0 list partition select partition 1 assign letter=q exit attrib -r -s -h Q:\recovery\windowsre\winre.wim dism /mount-wim /wimfile:q:\recovery\windowsre\winre.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\mount dism /image:c:\mount /add-package /packagepath:c:\msu\Windows8.1-KB2919442-x64.msu dism .... the rest of the msu files :pause here and copy the dart8.1 files from the folder I dropped the other day (contents of the x86 or x64 folders, not the parent folders) into the c:\mount directory pause dism /image:c:\mount /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:q:\recovery\windowsre\winre.wim /sourceindex:1 /destinationimagefile:%TEMP%\winre.wim /compress:max /checkintegrity move /y %TEMP%\winre.wim q:\recovery\windowsre\ attrib +r +s +h q:\recovery\windowsre\winre.wim edit: you can go back into diskpart, select the disk, partition, and run: Code: remove letter=q if you don't want the drive hanging around till you reboot.
Yes, I'm definitely looking forward to that. I would have loved the 8.1-first-GA versions on MSDN if the guys didn't weak out on us and only update the vl versions..
Well then, let MS people do the hard work, too complicated and time-consuming, I'll pass. According to AFA11's pic, OEM's didn't get a ISO either, MS just gave them the MSU's and tell them to integrate.
In MTK Settings on 'Local Host Bypass' Tab change the method from DLL Injection to one of the two others.
I typically don't sysprep activators. I usually do those post-capture by mounting, copying files, and running said activator during setupcomplete phase. That being said, it should work. You probably have some sort of a/v program blocking your dll injection method. Either use a different method or change the settings so that it uses either windivert or the tunmirror
Mister X you can use dism to add your drivers. Mount the wim with selected index and use /add-driver: Code: DISM /image:D:\_Windows7\Mount /Add-Driver /driver:D:\_Windows7\Drivers.64\USB3 /recurse /forceunsigned
Windivert is the solution. Could you produce script for insertion of this solution in to install.iso? Thank you kindly for your time and attention.