windows updated DISM, can only create ESD & setup can read that.... As of now can't edit/read/mount it.... I see it as nice space saving option with AIOs
I read a little more from the options on that link you listed rrohela. I believe it's referring to the OEM reset image that is used to restore OEMs when you use the factory reset thing. It's definitely very cool. I didn't even know you could convert to esd file, let alone do a SUPER SAVER mode heh...
@murphy78 its nice push button reset option even we can implement it with our retail systems... Will try that soon after reading the whole process.... But i tested it with original ZWT image to compress & install & it worked...
I had that query because a PCBeta guy had once made a ESD by win8 DISM, but found that imageX could read and mount the ESD.
Then i would call him Magician, he\she must not have shared the method This option only Applies To: Windows 8.1 not 8.....
It has to do with the compression format. The recovery option will give format error, but the Compression:maximum or other options will not.
Well I just tested a 5in1 I'm making using that install.esd with compression:recovery option and all install keys check out ok, so it doesn't seem to have any sort of problem storing more than one image. Very cool of you to mention that rrohela, that will save me a LOT of seeding.
I don't know how, but the install.esd using recovery compression for x64 on my 5in1 is just 2.44 GB For comparison the ZWT x64 install.wim leak is 3.08 GB The overall ISO size will be a bit larger because of the x64 sxs stuff, but being nearly the same size is amazing.
yes but I ran from the default system32 folder. I didn't run dism from the wow64 folder or an amd64 tools folder.
It didn't work properly for win8.0 either. If you set it to Volume, Core and ProWMC would give pre-release eula. If you set it to Retail, Enterprise would give pre-release eula. I have no idea if it adversely affected the activation info, but I wouldn't be surprised.
I just wanted to say that I've tested this a bit and it doesn't seem true. I can still choose which version to install by simply making an ei.cfg with the editionid omitted. Obviously you'd have the problem with full upgrades that we've discovered, but for simple installs it should be ok. To be fair, I only tested boot installs so far... I haven't tested the online setup.
It works partially yes with editionid version specified. I was refering to the AIO VL disc I created were no editionid is specified
Can you intergrate applications like start8 to the ISO with the deployment tools or is that harder? I assume it involves capturing your own install?
You can integrate just about anything into an offline image if you know all the registry keys and files associated. I would say that it's probably a LOT easier to integrate things like that using sysprep/capture method, but you could do with with a reg hive load/unload. It's been quite a while since I've done a load/unload and my last attempt ended in failure as it errored out after first reboot, so I'm not exactly the best person to ask on that subject. You could google search for editing registry on offline windows images. I tend to avoid the deployment tools. If you know what you are doing, they work fine. If you are a novice with them, like me, then they are a huge inconvenience. I'm sure someone is gonna come along and say "OMG murphy78 you're such a noob, you just do blahblah" but I swear I was having the hardest time trying to figure it out. I guess you need some instruction, which I never found or sought out. I think you might try re-visiting your install.esd attempt. I've not been having problems even set to a non-specific EditionID. If you find a particular error that you can duplicate regarding it, I'm sure everyone would like to hear about it as this install.esd is quite new around here..