Well, x64 tested 20 for 20 with no fails and no memory limit. I've just gotta test a few of the x86 indexes to make sure that one is ok... It was never an x86 problem though...
1. Hooray for murphy78 and AIO! 2. Hooray for MDL and all contributors! 3. Hooray for Boobies (no pics)!
What about the Scratch space for your WinPE? I had issues last year with random failure & discovered I was running out of space on X:. Even when setting temp locations from x: to a hdd, I found that X: was still being used for temp files during wim/esd manipulation. Try increasing the size by using the dism /Set-ScratchSpace command on your winpe...
Tried that. It had no effect. Unfortunately that just increases the ram drive spce. It doesn't actually increase the available ram for the system to extract any images. Instead of the default 32megs you can up it to 512. I think the problem was in the filestream though, not necessarily any settings.
@murphy78 How you preActvate your integrated Win811 packages with KMS Activator? I have used AutoKMS file you provided to me, but FirstLogon.cmd and SetUpComplete.cmd don't work. With $oem$ insertion all files are on right places but commands are not executed.
I have tested that approach earlier, when you suggested it first time, but FirstLogonCommands was not executed?!
That would need either the second suggestion from my previous post or an ei.cfg file in the sources folder of the ISO. ei.cfg should look like this: Code: [Channel] Retail [VL] 0
Hello all: I'm from Spain and I do not control English very well, I wanted to do an easy question for you. I have some drivers that I'm trying to install on the current operating system and get: Dism / online / Add-Driver / driver: C: \ Updates \ Drivers \ / recurse He says that this command is for images offline. How could I do it.? What would be the good command? Many thanks in advance
Yes this command is for an offlline image, meaning you have to mount the .wim file to inject drivers. For installing drivers on the current system you do the normal way by an .exe file or by an .inf file. Maybe you should give us more details about what you want to exactly accomplish.
Btw, in that form the command will also fail for offline servicing, there are ways too much spaces in that line: Code: Dism /online /Add-Driver /driver:C:\Updates\Drivers\ /recurse
I installed Windows 8.1 Pro x64 on a PC in which using the "WHD_7.9" program I made a backup of the drivers which I have on a folder a lot of subfolders that you do with them not to install at that PC I installed the SOS s1ave77. Sorry for the line was copy and paste what I fail dism /online /Add-driver /driver:C:\Update\drivers\ /recurse Thanks for answering