Can you give me full command? I still use ImageX for this but I am very sure DISM is now capable of doing it much easier. Spoiler imagex /ref install*.swm /check /export install.swm * install.wim "UniqueName" Maybe this command: Spoiler dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:C:\install*.swm /sourceindex:* /destinationimagefile:C:\install.wim /checkintegrity /compress:maximum
No, imagex is easier. dism require identifying each index alone: Code: dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:C:\install.swm /SWMFile:C:\install*.swm /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:C:\install.wim /CheckIntegrity dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:C:\install.swm /SWMFile:C:\install*.swm /SourceIndex:2 /DestinationImageFile:C:\install.wim /CheckIntegrity
Sorry to butt in but can you give me a simple way of doing this, i.e imagex is a command prompt item so how do I load it and once into it where do I type where the install wims are located i.e lets say I move the 2 wims to root of my G drive then want to merge them. May sound stupid but I am inexperienced. EDIT sorry part of what confuses me is does the star correspond to the swm number i.e I type in install1.swm but does that automatically see the 2nd swm too.
Thanks 2 quick final things, what do I select in that, capture or mount or something else? Finally since the ADK is a large file(though I have fast internet) what is the minimum I need to download and install to get imagex to work.
You only need 'Assessment and Deployment Tools' from the adk (several MB to install), then run imagex or dism from it's own CMD (in Start Screen/Menu All Apps/Programs 'Assessment and Deployment Tools Command Prompt'; run as admin). For GimageX afaik nothing needs to be installed additionally . Not sure if there was an option to merge SWMs . =============== EDIT: Seems there is no option in GimageX .
Thanks thanks, still a tiny but unclear on navigating to the folder i.e do I do it like a normal command prompt i.e go to H drive if that is where my swm files are then copy and paste/type that command from above and thats it and as above does it just add all the swm files as one or do I hate to type like "install.swm1 install swm2" and I assume "uniquename" is just what I want to call the wim
You only need to open the Assessment and Deployment Toolkit CMD and there enter (as is): Code: imagex /ref "h:\install*.swm" /check /export "h:\install.swm" * "h:\install.wim" "UniqueName" This assumes the SWM files residing on h: and writes install.wim to same location.
Thanks, I did it the way of H: then cd sources(as I moved the sources folder to root of drive) then the command from a page ago. Seems to be ok but seems to be taking ages, I have a i7 2700k and 16gb ram and no other processes running and it said 25 images processed in end and 35 minutes I assume thats normal?
I think it was because I had it on a usb external hdd and AV enabled, I did the Windows 8 version stored to D drive and no AV and it took 6 minutes. By the way I notice that the file is about 4.2 gig and I need to add about 20 meg of drivers to 2 installations and .net 4.5.2 and directx9 but still want to fit it on 1 disc so I may just go a little over so wanted to convert it to esd, once I have integrated the drivers and software to the wim what is the command to convert it to esd? I assume it will just work automatically with setup also.
Yep, Win 8.1.1 setup will handle the ESD. To convert: Code: dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"h:\install.wim" /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:"h:\install.esd" /compress:recovery /CheckIntegrity Re-do for every index .
Ok Ok, a quick question on indexes then, the original one was like a 24 in 1 and I had like 24 indexes so is the amount of versions in the wim the same thing as indexes i.e now I have removed all but 2 versions is it 2 indexes or still 24
Normally one version per index, check all indices with: Code: DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:"h:\install.wim" Check single index with verbose: Code: DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:"h:\install.wim" /Index:1
There are two ways of reducing the number of indexes on a wim file. Only one of them reduces any data. 1) delete the indexes you don't want to keep (does not reduce size) 2) export the indexes you want to keep to a new install.wim (does reduce size)