You can only do that on boot.wim, winre.wim and non-pending install.wim indexes for 8.1 with update, and for win7 you cannot do it at all. If you integrate offline rather than use sysprep/capture method, you will not be able to resetbase the image. resetbase does exactly what it sounds like. It resets the base files by removing superseded components and making the current ones permanent.
OK, I decided to leave IR4 releases as base and re-integrate updates on latest MSDN Enterprise with Nov2014 rollup (x86 and x64 both) ISOs as base. Can you please provide a list of updates to be integrated on both the architectures and strictly in the order of integrating them? Also Please mention which ones to integrate in boot.wim and winre.wim. Do provide all updates (important and optional) and leave ALL .netfx updates. I will not be integrating .netfx updates in the ISOs. PS: I will be integrating offline. Thanks.
No, that would be doing your job for you. I can teach you how to do it yourself, though. Load each image into a VM. Check Windows Update. Verify MSU/CAB updates in your updates folder to match what is being requested from Windows Update. Integrate them by putting them in a usb flash drive and running the integrate script: Code: @echo off pushd %~dp0 :: BatchGotAdmin :------------------------------------- REM --> Check for permissions >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo: echo Requesting Administrative Privileges... echo Press YES in UAC Prompt to Continue echo: goto UACPrompt ) else ( goto gotAdmin ) :UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B :gotAdmin if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" :-------------------------------------- for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir/b/s *.msu') do ( echo == Installing Updates == %%a start /wait wusa %%a /quiet /norestart ) echo. echo ######################################## echo. echo == Updates installed == echo. shutdown.exe /r /t 0 Reboot and repeat another time. (sometimes updates have pre-requisites) Download missing updates from MS Download Center. If you cannot find one there, try Microsoft Update Catalog (IE) Integrate using the instructions I list on Post 2 of this thread. Start small and just do a single-index. When you successfully integrate an iso with a single index, try adding more.
Thanks Sir. I know this process, I have been doing this since I started integrating. My main motive for the post was to learn about integration in boot.wim and winre.wim and then updating the setup files of the ISO of which I have absolutely no idea. I have been just integrating (add-package) to mounted install.wim and then max compress it and making ISO. I want to integrate fully in all parts of ISO including boot.wim and winre.wim. How to do this? How can I integrate in winre.wim? boot.wim is in sources directory along with install.wim but where's winre.wim? And also which updates are applicable to boot.wim and winre.wim? Sir, I have absolutely no idea about these two files, never touched them. I just want to learn one time each and every step. Take your time to reply Sir but please explain in detail what are they about and how and which updates to integrate in them. Thank you. PS: I just asked for the list of updates to be integrated because I guess you posted those in here [ h**p:// ]. Are these the ones I need to integrate to install.wim? Of these which are the ones to integrate in boot.wim and winre.wim. It would save me a lot of time. I just want to learn about boot.wim and winre.wim and how to determine which updates are applicable to them. And steps after doing add-package to both.
To get at the winre.wim, you gotta un-system/hidden it with attrib. Example: Code: attrib c:\mount\windows\system32\recovery\Winre.wim -s -h You copy the winre.wim to a working folder for later replacement. I try to use a single winre.wim for x64 and a single for x86 versions. If they don't match, they will balloon the size of your iso. After you have your winre.wim, unmount and discard changes to your mounted index. Mount the winre.wim and integrate/resetbase. Then unmount and commit. Re-export the winre.wim to a new winre.wim so that the old datastreams are removed. When you have the winre.wim how you like it, you go around replacing the existing one in each mounted index: Code: attrib c:\mount\windows\system32\recovery\Winre.wim -s -h del /q/f c:\mount\windows\system32\recovery\Winre.wim xcopy /cy c:\workingfolder\winre.wim c:\mount\windows\system32\recovery\ attrib c:\mount\windows\system32\recovery\Winre.wim +s +h You can do this replacement during integration or make a preliminary baseline version. That's what I typically do since it's a pain in the butt to export all the different indexes to an AIO. I did a December list of updates for the newer ISO files a page or two back.
Those are out of date. You can get updated DISM tools by downloading the latest ADK and just checking the tools box. You don't have to download all the WINPE language stuff.
Thanks for the detailed info Sir. What about boot.wim? Same procedure for it also? You also didn't told about which updates to integrate in both. Are all updates need to be integrated or some specific ones? Please tell for both files.
So basically if we are not sure can we just integrate all the available updates to three files (install.wim, winre.wim and boot.wim)?
I just saw this while being offline. Well, i am new to the forum and I don't know what avatar others are using I found this on some other website. Sorry , I'll change it ASAP. No offence. EDIT: Done! Sorry, once again.
using avatar of Avatar Guru's is against the rules and gets hunted dramatically. It even can cause a ban ... to my knowledge in the year 2014. Might change next millennium
I know I am bugging you with a lot of queies but just a general question Sir murphy78, What is the actual use of integration in boot.wim and winre.wim? Is it really needed or is there any disadvantage of integrating offline only install.wim? Also after integrating in winre.wim we have to update setup files of ISO. How to do that?