Nice. I used the install.esd recovery compression on my win8provl x64 release I'm using. Last month's install.wim was 4.75GB This month's install.esd is 2.57GB Tests went well. No integrity violations or other problems associated with substituting install.esd on 8.0 disc.
this is fantastic this size reduction when converting the install wim to install.esed, Murphy vc tested and worked well in iso windows 8? The install.wim from folder sources would be replaced install.esed, right?I still would like to know with works this process reduce the size of image,is much diference in the size when it is converted in install.wim to istall.esed the size after convertion...THANKS
Windows 8.0 Pro VL x64 en-US Pre-Activated Sep2013 Digite: Programas (Appz) > Windows Arquivos: 6 Tamanho de: 2.95 GiB (3164206461 Bytes)>>>>>> all updates integrate in the iso 64bits!!
It seems to compress similar data in a way that is friendly for packing lots of similar files. Any discussion I could do about why it works so well would only be speculation. It does seem to help when offline integrating a lot of kb files. Why? *shrug*
This looks very comprehensive and informative tutorial. I've never done anything like this before but I am hoping in future I might be able to do stuff like this.
Hi Murphy! is this the same way you do to Microsoft Office ProPlus?? I would love to know how to do, because after SP2 come I can not use Langue pack to your office : /
Mr Jinje made another comment on the Reg Tweaks thread where you can export the start layout of a system and then have it become the default layout for other users. I compiled two different quotes here: Basically one could export the layout on a sample user account before sysprepping, then save the xml somewhere on the drive like C:\Windows\Setup\Start-Layout-x64.xml or something. Then you could run the PS bits, or if you always have the xml in the same location, you could make a registry export for the 2 said keys. Just navigate to the appropriate key and export it to something like Start-Key-x64.reg and then do: Code: regedit /s Start-Key-x64.reg The reg file could be located in the scripts directory but the path defined in them to the xml file would need to be static such as the one I suggested: C:\Windows\Setup\Start-Layout-x64.xml The reason is that the reg key just point to the xml path to use as default. I haven't tested this during setupcomplete.cmd but if that doesn't work, someone could probably do a reg hive load/unload.
Simple script to rename your computer based on a file stored on the network server. Could be useful for people installing a bunch of virtual machines. Example would name each them Server0, Server1, Server2, Server3, etc and append the new name into the Test.txt file. Code: $z = "\\somewhere\Test.txt" #$z = "C:\Test.txt" $a = (Get-Content $z | Measure-Object) $a.Count $a = $a.Count $a = "Server" + $a Add-Content -path $z "$a" Rename-Computer -NewName $a
Could you not just use a few variations of an autounattend.xml? 1 for EFI on a HDD from scratch, 1 for BIOS\MBR on a HDD from scratch, and then another 2 without the partitioning? A simple addition to startnet.cmd will let you choose an xml and direct setup to the xml. Otherwise, sure, what you want is 100% possible. I can help, i just need to know exactly what you're looking for, and in what environment (win8x86 Winpe?) you want to run the setup files. I know i have had a multiboot Win 7\8 efi on 2 partitions, but forget how. It maybe involved tricking the bcd in the hidden system partition to use 2 different bootx64.efi files.
Interesting... different bootx64.efi files.. I didn't think about that. I'll look into dual booting efi stuff a bit more and bug you if I think I need some help or advice...
OK I've tried to dual-boot an x64 system. When both are present, win7 gives the efi error thing... HALIKUS you're probably onto something with the dual efi booting thing or whatever. I could use help if you figure out exactly how to do it...