Hi Murphy78 , you Super AIO is a life saver. I cannot wait for the windows 10 integration release. Thank you
Hi murphy78, thx for the usefull guide, I used it to create multiple AIO with the latest updates. All is perfect if one follows it accuratly. However when testing the iso to a spare computer : - The usb key from which installation has been done, always contains a empty kb folder, dunno where is it coming from, even if I delete it before updates integration, it is again here after installation on the spare machine. - SoftwareDistribution\download is not empty, it seems some files from the integration process are still remaining. When I've mounted the wim file to integrate the updates, I always cleanup the components before ummount and commit. Any advices are welcome. Thanks
Hello,i've installed the latest version of Windows 8.1 5in1 x32 iso by murphy78 to a vhd and i tried to uninstall the updates that point to Win10 upgrade and telemetry but it doesn't work(right click uninstall).I guess its normal behavior for integrated updates,so is there any CMD or PowerShell commands to do it?
I want to create an AIO containing win 10 (Pro, Home, Enterprise) altogether. I have win 10 Multi-Edition ISO [Pro, Home] (EN-GB), win 10 Enterprise (EN-US). I am unable to integrate these two ISOs into single ISO as these two ISOs have different default languages. So, I want to change the default language of Win 10 Multi Edition ISO EN-GB into EN-US so that I would be able to create an AIO. How can I do that ? Please help me in this regard. Thanks.
Um... Dunno. Maybe there's an update log rss or something? I just check every so often when new Windows builds get released.
Just curious - after all this time, why hasn't microsoft provided an easier/simpler solution to integration for joe public to use. Surely it's within their capabilities to made a standalone program, which could take an iso, download selected updates and then integrate them into one image. Any ideas, why they won't/haven't done this? Bakersfield.
hello murphy78 in the August version of Windows 7, you said that you will build two more versions updated to December. May you please create the latest version now in December? I used only your version,till now 10x