Windows Integration Guide - murphy78

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by murphy78, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. tapangbedaru

    tapangbedaru MDL Junior Member

    Mar 6, 2022
    Shift + Restart

    this shortcut works in win 11, but it doesn't work in win 10 :)

    reagentc.exe /boottore
    this method works,

    I was hoping for the same login method with win 11
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #902 Enthousiast, Oct 17, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2022
    On 10 it doesn't open the real winre environment but the fake one which is in since win 10.

    In 22000 and 22621 they seem to have directed that command to the real winre environment again.

    reagentc /boottore works for all.
  3. tapangbedaru

    tapangbedaru MDL Junior Member

    Mar 6, 2022
    I got a new error, when integrating DaRT, previously it was fine.

    is it because of the win 11 22621.870 that I'm using?
    Running DaRT Integration Tool v4.0 by Enthousiast @MDL
    Integrate DaRT In Boot.wim ?
    [ 1 ] - Integrate DaRT In Boot.wim
    [ 2 ] - Don't Integrate DaRT In Boot.wim
    * Type your option and press Enter: 1
    Integrate DaRT In Winre.wim ?
    [ 1 ] - Integrate DaRT In Winre.wim
    [ 2 ] - Don't Integrate DaRT In Winre.wim
    * Type your option and press Enter: 1
    Extracting Source ISO...
    7-Zip 21.07 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26
    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 folder, 1 file, 5420894208 bytes (5170 MiB)
    Extracting archive: Source_ISO\22000.1165.221013-1538.CO_RELEASE_SVC_PROD3_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
    Path = Source_ISO\22000.1165.221013-1538.CO_RELEASE_SVC_PROD3_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
    Type = Udf
    Physical Size = 5420894208
    Comment = CCSA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV5
    Cluster Size = 2048
    Created = 2022-10-19 05:20:32
    Everything is Ok
    Folders: 84
    Files: 936
    Size:       5429413922
    Compressed: 5420894208
    x64 is detected
    DaRT Language Used : x64 en-us
    Preparing DaRT 11 x64...
    7-Zip 21.07 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26
    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 file, 8894690 bytes (8687 KiB)
    Extracting archive: DaRT_W10\Dart_w10.tpk
    Path = DaRT_W10\Dart_w10.tpk
    Type = wim
    Physical Size = 8894690
    Size = 8589934592
    Packed Size = 38013142
    Method = LZMS:17
    Cluster Size = 131072
    Created = 2019-04-08 11:13:00
    Modified = 2019-04-08 11:17:13
    Version = 0.14
    Multivolume = -
    Volume = 1
    Volumes = 1
    Images = 2
    Everything is Ok
    Folders: 12
    Files: 71
    Size:       29258096
    Compressed: 8894690
    7-Zip 21.07 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26
    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 file, 181228 bytes (177 KiB)
    Extracting archive: DaRT_W10\Dart_w10_en-US.tpk
    Path = DaRT_W10\Dart_w10_en-US.tpk
    Type = wim
    Physical Size = 181228
    Size = 8589934592
    Packed Size = 1586789
    Method = LZMS:17
    Cluster Size = 131072
    Created = 2019-04-12 18:25:59
    Modified = 2019-04-12 19:32:06
    Version = 0.14
    Multivolume = -
    Volume = 1
    Volumes = 1
    Images = 2
    Everything is Ok
    Folders: 16
    Files: 45
    Size:       2023776
    Compressed: 181228
    7-Zip 21.07 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26
    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 file, 35966828 bytes (35 MiB)
    Extracting archive: DaRT_W10\DebugTools_w10_rs9.tpk
    Path = DaRT_W10\DebugTools_w10_rs9.tpk
    Type = wim
    Physical Size = 35966828
    Size = 8589934592
    Packed Size = 172678079
    Method = LZMS:17
    Cluster Size = 131072
    Created = 2021-07-11 02:03:03
    Modified = 2021-07-14 15:03:46
    Version = 0.14
    Multivolume = -
    Volume = 1
    Volumes = 1
    Images = 2
    Everything is Ok
    Folders: 55
    Files: 582
    Size:       151199307
    Compressed: 35966828
    Adding DaRT 11 x64 To x64 Boot.wim...
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10\2\"
    15 MiB scanned (35 files, 6 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 2 threads
    Archiving file data: 15 MiB of 15 MiB (100%) done
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10_LP\2\"
    987 KiB scanned (22 files, 8 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 1 thread
    Archiving file data: 987 KiB of 987 KiB (100%) done
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10_DeBug\2\"
    78 MiB scanned (291 files, 27 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 2 threads
    Archiving file data: 78 MiB of 78 MiB (100%) done
    Optimizing x64 Boot.wim...
    "TEMP\ISO\Sources\boot.wim" original size: 602529 KiB
    Using LZX compression with 2 threads
    Archiving file data: 1380 MiB of 1380 MiB (100%) done
    "TEMP\ISO\Sources\boot.wim" optimized size: 593362 KiB
    Space saved: 9167 KiB
    Adding DaRT 11 x64 To x64 Winre.wim...
    Extracting file data: 442 MiB of 442 MiB (100%) done
    Done extracting files.
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10\2\"
    15 MiB scanned (35 files, 6 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 2 threads
    Archiving file data: 15 MiB of 15 MiB (100%) done
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10_LP\2\"
    987 KiB scanned (22 files, 8 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 1 thread
    Archiving file data: 987 KiB of 987 KiB (100%) done
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10_DeBug\2\"
    78 MiB scanned (291 files, 27 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 2 threads
    Archiving file data: 78 MiB of 78 MiB (100%) done
    Optimizing x64 WinRe...
    "TEMP\Winre\Winre.wim" original size: 496204 KiB
    Using LZX compression with 2 threads
    Archiving file data: 1270 MiB of 1270 MiB (100%) done
    "TEMP\Winre\Winre.wim" optimized size: 490993 KiB
    Space saved: 5210 KiB
    Putting x64 Winre.wim Back In x64 install.esd...
    Optimizing x64 install.esd...
    "TEMP\ISO\Sources\install.esd" original size: 5257301 KiB
    Using LZMS compression with 2 threads
    [ERROR] Failed to decompress data!iB (26%) done
    ERROR: Optimization of "TEMP\ISO\Sources\install.esd" failed.
    ERROR: Exiting with error code 2:
           The WIM contains invalid compressed data.
    Creating 11 x64 ISO...
    OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
    Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
    Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.
    Scanning source tree (500 files in 42 directories)
    Scanning source tree complete (936 files in 85 directories)
    Computing directory information complete
    Image file is 6263209984 bytes (before optimization)
    Writing 936 files in 85 directories to 22000.1165.221013-1538.CO_RELEASE_SVC_PROD3_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US_DaRT_11_2022_10_27.ISO
    100% complete
    Storage optimization saved 24 files, 14217216 bytes (1% of image)
    After optimization, image file is 6251124736 bytes
    Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 14217216
    Cleaning-up TEMP dir...
    Press any key to continue . . .

    I tried with version 2200.1165 and 22621.755 the error result is the same
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Sounds more like a corrupted install.esd to me, wimlib-imagex is used for this and not the host OS files.

    I am creating a 22000.1165 ISO with install.esd and will test it on my second pc running 22623.870.
  5. tapangbedaru

    tapangbedaru MDL Junior Member

    Mar 6, 2022
    #905 tapangbedaru, Oct 27, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2022
    that makes sense to me....i think so too..i'm trying to recreate it

    after regenerating the iso everything is fine. problem solved.
  6. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    It also occures for me after installing 20348.1249 with only DaRT integrated:
    Running DaRT Integration Tool v4.0 by Enthousiast @MDL
    Integrate DaRT In Boot.wim ?
    [ 1 ] - Integrate DaRT In Boot.wim
    [ 2 ] - Don't Integrate DaRT In Boot.wim
    * Type your option and press Enter: 1
    Integrate DaRT In Winre.wim ?
    [ 1 ] - Integrate DaRT In Winre.wim
    [ 2 ] - Don't Integrate DaRT In Winre.wim
    * Type your option and press Enter: 1
    Extracting Source ISO...
    7-Zip 21.07 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26
    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 folder, 1 file, 5920540672 bytes (5647 MiB)
    Extracting archive: Source_ISO\20348.1249.221104-2204.FE_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_SERVERSTANDARD_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
    Path = Source_ISO\20348.1249.221104-2204.FE_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_SERVERSTANDARD_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
    Type = Udf
    Physical Size = 5920540672
    Comment = SSS_X64FRE_EN-US_DV5
    Cluster Size = 2048
    Created = 2022-11-04 22:04:32
    Everything is Ok
    Folders: 87
    Files: 1021
    Size:       5928784101
    Compressed: 5920540672
    x64 is detected
    DaRT Language Used : x64 en-us
    Preparing DaRT SRV_2022 x64...
    7-Zip 21.07 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26
    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 file, 8894690 bytes (8687 KiB)
    Extracting archive: DaRT_W10\Dart_w10.tpk
    Path = DaRT_W10\Dart_w10.tpk
    Type = wim
    Physical Size = 8894690
    Size = 8589934592
    Packed Size = 38013142
    Method = LZMS:17
    Cluster Size = 131072
    Created = 2019-04-08 05:13:00
    Modified = 2019-04-08 05:17:13
    Version = 0.14
    Multivolume = -
    Volume = 1
    Volumes = 1
    Images = 2
    Everything is Ok
    Folders: 12
    Files: 71
    Size:       29258096
    Compressed: 8894690
    7-Zip 21.07 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26
    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 file, 181228 bytes (177 KiB)
    Extracting archive: DaRT_W10\Dart_w10_en-US.tpk
    Path = DaRT_W10\Dart_w10_en-US.tpk
    Type = wim
    Physical Size = 181228
    Size = 8589934592
    Packed Size = 1586789
    Method = LZMS:17
    Cluster Size = 131072
    Created = 2019-04-12 12:25:59
    Modified = 2019-04-12 13:32:06
    Version = 0.14
    Multivolume = -
    Volume = 1
    Volumes = 1
    Images = 2
    Everything is Ok
    Folders: 16
    Files: 45
    Size:       2023776
    Compressed: 181228
    7-Zip 21.07 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26
    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 file, 35431208 bytes (34 MiB)
    Extracting archive: DaRT_W10\DebugTools_w10_rs8.tpk
    Path = DaRT_W10\DebugTools_w10_rs8.tpk
    Type = wim
    Physical Size = 35431208
    Size = 8589934592
    Packed Size = 169674446
    Method = LZMS:17
    Cluster Size = 131072
    Created = 2021-07-01 13:03:11
    Modified = 2021-07-01 14:40:07
    Version = 0.14
    Multivolume = -
    Volume = 1
    Volumes = 1
    Images = 2
    Everything is Ok
    Folders: 51
    Files: 566
    Size:       148601228
    Compressed: 35431208
    Adding DaRT SRV_2022 x64 To x64 Boot.wim...
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10\2\"
    15 MiB scanned (35 files, 6 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 15 MiB of 15 MiB (100%) done
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10_LP\2\"
    987 KiB scanned (22 files, 8 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 1 thread
    Archiving file data: 987 KiB of 987 KiB (100%) done
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10_DeBug\2\"
    77 MiB scanned (283 files, 25 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 77 MiB of 77 MiB (100%) done
    Optimizing x64 Boot.wim...
    "TEMP\ISO\Sources\boot.wim" original size: 505349 KiB
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 1261 MiB of 1261 MiB (100%) done
    "TEMP\ISO\Sources\boot.wim" optimized size: 497643 KiB
    Space saved: 7705 KiB
    Adding DaRT SRV_2022 x64 To x64 Winre.wim...
    Extracting file data: 399 MiB of 399 MiB (100%) done
    Done extracting files.
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10\2\"
    15 MiB scanned (35 files, 6 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 15 MiB of 15 MiB (100%) done
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10_LP\2\"
    987 KiB scanned (22 files, 8 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 1 thread
    Archiving file data: 987 KiB of 987 KiB (100%) done
    Scanning "TEMP\Dart_w10_DeBug\2\"
    77 MiB scanned (283 files, 25 directories)
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 77 MiB of 77 MiB (100%) done
    Optimizing x64 WinRe...
    "TEMP\Winre\Winre.wim" original size: 450723 KiB
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 1157 MiB of 1157 MiB (100%) done
    "TEMP\Winre\Winre.wim" optimized size: 445833 KiB
    Space saved: 4889 KiB
    Putting x64 Winre.wim Back In x64 install.wim...
    Optimizing x64 install.wim...
    "TEMP\ISO\Sources\install.wim" original size: 5510414 KiB
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 11 GiB of 11 GiB (100%) done
    "TEMP\ISO\Sources\install.wim" optimized size: 5056031 KiB
    Space saved: 454382 KiB
    Creating SRV_2022 x64 ISO...
    OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
    Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
    Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.
    Scanning source tree (1000 files in 86 directories)
    Scanning source tree complete (1021 files in 88 directories)
    Computing directory information complete
    Image file is 5973934080 bytes (before optimization)
    Writing 1021 files in 88 directories to 20348.1249.221104-2204.FE_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_SERVERSTANDARD_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US_DaRT_SRV_2022_2022_11_15.ISO
    100% complete
    Storage optimization saved 25 files, 14221312 bytes (1% of image)
    After optimization, image file is 5962018816 bytes
    Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 14221312
    Cleaning-up TEMP dir...
    Press any key to continue . . .
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Same for 20349.1249 MVS Refresh ISO with or without DaRT integrated.

    Even by settings...recovery....advanced setup it shows that BSOD.
  8. Mamad_F14

    Mamad_F14 MDL Novice

    May 30, 2022
    I have seen Windows installation medias that when you boot it, it shows a boot menu to choose whether to install x86 or x64 windows.
    How is this done?
    There should be a guide on this forums on how to do this. could you post a link if there is?
  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #914 Enthousiast, Dec 15, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2022
    Multi_arch_ISO.cmd from the UUP>ISO converter.

    5. put the x86 and x64 iso next to the "multi_arch_iso.cmd" fom the ESD>ISOvXX or UUP>ISOvXX project folders and start the script, it will offer you 2 options:
     0 - Exit
     1 - Create ISO with 1 combined install.wim/.esd
     2 - Create ISO with 2 separate install.wim/.esd (Win 10)
    Choose a menu option:
    1. will create a stripped down iso, only containing the files needed for clean install from boot. The iso can install x86 UEFI on x86 UEFI and x64 on both, bios and uefi systems and cannot be used for upgrading.
    2. will create an iso like the MCT does, cannot install x86 UEFI but can be used for both, clean install on either x86 (legacy bios only) or x64 systems (legacy bios or uefi) and is capable of upgrading on both, x86 anx x64 installs.

    All scripts used in this post can be found here:
  10. W_fantasma

    W_fantasma MDL Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. Mamad_F14

    Mamad_F14 MDL Novice

    May 30, 2022
    #916 Mamad_F14, Jan 10, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2023
  12. Mamad_F14

    Mamad_F14 MDL Novice

    May 30, 2022
    I want to make a windows 8.1 wim file that contains home and Professional edition. I want to choose my edition during Installation setup without entering product key.
    How can I do this?
    If I use This ei.cfg file:
    It will let me choose my desired windows edition without entering product key during boot installation. But when I run the installation setup through running windows It will fail with this error:
    Something happened
    Setup has failed to validate the product key
    Is there any other way to set product keys for both home and professional editions so that I won't be asked for product keys?
  13. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    What are you actually trying to do?

    Upgrading from what OS and how is it activated?