Windows Integration Guide - murphy78

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by murphy78, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. FaiKee

    FaiKee Misinformation spreader

    Jul 24, 2009
    #141 FaiKee, Feb 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  2. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    #142 murphy78, Feb 10, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
    Ahh... pretty sure that one is encrypted. (on purpose)

    He should learn about reg load / unload hives.
    We did a lot of that stuff when modding the KMSMicro 5.0.0 vhd/rom to run on the hax WES7
    you could reg load the hive, then import said modified reg file, then unload and it should save the info back into the file.

    edit: I get what you're saying now, but know that I don't think it's simply a registry setting. I am pretty sure there's more info in the programdata directory.
    It possibly also creates a softwaredistribution folder and syncs time with the update servers if it can when applying the key.
  3. FaiKee

    FaiKee Misinformation spreader

    Jul 24, 2009
    Yeh, I think you could also include this reg thing in your OP. Also, if there were too many key/values to edit, you could do it by a reg batch, of course, it requires to open up regedit to see the correct path, e.g. HKLM\systemwim in place of HKLM\system . :D
  4. YessMann

    YessMann MDL Member

    Nov 27, 2012
    #144 YessMann, Feb 10, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
    i have read pm, thx...see yr new ISOs at that site or here on Tue/Wed...
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  5. YessMann

    YessMann MDL Member

    Nov 27, 2012
    #145 YessMann, Feb 13, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
    (64b) Windows 8.1 U1 AIO 20in1 x64 en-US Pre-Activated DaRT
    {32b} Windows 8.1 U1 AIO 20in1 x86 en-US Pre-Activated DaRT

    I have seen your new product/stuff. bravo!
    pre-activated...Do they need KMS/MTK again to run daily?
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  6. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Daily? No. They use the built-in 7-day renewal activation.
    It's using QAD's windivert 1.1.1 latest service.
    Don't get hung up on the activation aspect though. Just because it comes with an activator in the kms-activated indexes, doesn't mean you cannot switch to another for sh**s and giggles.
    You can always go into the windows\kms folder and run the uninstall script and go run MTK and install AutoKMS if you prefer that method.
  7. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    That's a good idea. In fact I was thinking of using spoilers and bullets to cut down on the sheer volume of info so people could sort-of browse through it faster and just read what they want to learn about.
    But First! I shall try to see if I can find an exact method for saving/integrating the pkey and pkey files.
    We all know about the data.dat and tokens.dat, but if there are more than simply a few reg keys; well... we'll see.
    Also, it may be tied to your hard drive GUID or something. If I do get it to work, I'll try and re-create a few different virtual hard drives and see if it affects installation.
  8. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    #148 murphy78, Feb 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  9. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
  10. YessMann

    YessMann MDL Member

    Nov 27, 2012
    #150 YessMann, Feb 14, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
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  11. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    #151 murphy78, Feb 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  12. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Updated the OP and 2nd post so that they are more legible by using spoilers.
    I also added the recent install.esd revelation information in the 2nd post.
    Hopefully this will help people navigate through the different topics.
    Note that it's not designed extremely well. I'm not an engineer.
    Think of it as a 2nd draft that may improve more over time.
  13. limagonzalez

    limagonzalez MDL Novice

    Feb 19, 2014
    I trying to make your windows 8.1 x86 and x64 be one disc, but always failed. can you make your next project in one disc, thanks
  14. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    You can make it boot from the same disc, but to make it be able to "repair your computer" you need to modify the files.
    I can make it give the option in BIOS boot mode, but in UEFI, I cannot.
    I honestly spent a few days trying to get it to work for my superaio v2 and I never could.
    I could always get the normal bios boot legacy menu working fine, but the UEFI boot never worked for me.

    You may not use upgrade methods on other people's computers, but a LOT of people do.
    To get the upgrade methods to work requires a great deal of finesse. You have to modify a few files, add a few files, etc.
    It's actually a fairly simple process. It's just that there's so much that can and will go wrong.
    With unmodified versions, I can safely say that any problems people have, anyone would have.
    I cannot say the same with versions I know that I've modified.

    Sometimes, it's better to not do something that you CAN do, because it's just not wise.
  15. phox

    phox MDL Junior Member

    Jan 10, 2010
    Hello everyone.

    I see that here is the highest concentration of IT expertise and therefore the right place for the question:
    Is there good, simple and working tool for Lite-ing and integration for Win7/81, something similar to vLite?

    Tanks kindly for attention.
  16. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    I think there's a website called WinReducer that does stuff like that.
    Just be careful, as there are a lot of policy settings and such that are tied to many different things, and removing one may cause issues with others.
    The reason most of us don't use them is that we all pretty much know how to disable services and edit registry keys without completely removing the files.
    If you want to get the maximum speed, then starting with a Core N version will give you a head start, but of course you wouldn't be able to join a domain like in Pro or Enterprise.
  17. phox

    phox MDL Junior Member

    Jan 10, 2010
    Thank you murphy78.

    WinReducer is far cry from vLite, been there and gave up!

    Have you any inclination to build AIO updater, customizer, reducer for Win7/81?

    Thank you for your time and attention.:worthy:
  18. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    7 is pretty easy to minimize compared to 8.x
    Like I said, a lot of the stuff is entwined with policy settings, data files, etc.
    You could go through and run dism commands to remove features and such, but it won't reduce the size of the image because all of those things set pending status.
    It's not that these things are impossible to do manually, it's just that it's not worth the effort. At best you get a slightly faster OS with a lot of crash potential.
  19. phox

    phox MDL Junior Member

    Jan 10, 2010
    I have 591MB Win7SP1IE11Ult ISO installed on 5.5GB partition with 1.5GB free space,
    and 990MB Win81Pro ISO on 6GB partition with 1.2GB free space, both working without crash!

    It's hardly just slightly smaller and faster.
  20. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Hows the eventlog look on the 81pro one?
    If everything checks out, I'm sure people would love some good advice on reducing things.
    I personally don't do it, but I do get asked about it a lot.