have you tryed the agreement number 3647589 ? i'am also interesting to see, that number is also working for ts-cals server 2000 and server 2003
above number doesnt work? ok so, configure to aktivate ms terminal server over web. let me know the key-numbers and u got valid ts cals from me
First i have to say hey to this great forum. This is my first post and i need a working nummer to the 2008r2 rd licens cal to my server. Im hope someone will be kind to pm me with a working agreement number twixies
this is not a real problem. so what u do now. set all server settings to activate over phone. anyone can do it. i reply to this post with the needed activation id, thats all. i need only the id's on display and the value of ts-cals. it works from 1 tscal up to 9999 (for more u must do it one more aggain ;-) )
to prevent any mistakes, i explain what i need for activate a license. There is an "License Server ID" and that i need to activate any license permanently. The Number for Select License i dont need. And the Number of TS-Cals how many is important. When anybody forgot that number i take 50. i think its ok for the most privat terminal server. and yes, anyone can ask here with server id for license.....
Does anyone know if it's OK to go back and add more licenses? I set this up last year but stupidly chose a number lower than I should have. I'd like to not start over from scratch. Is it just a matter of repeating the latter part of the procedure again ("Install Licenses") to make it add to what I have? 2008 R2.
if license are installed there is now way to install license again. to install again u need the number(s) from the certificate. u can also transfer license on h*tps://activate.microsoft.com by Microsoft with the needed informations. to add licensense u can install new license with the correct informations. license for free u can get here. set up your server to activate over phone, and post here the informations i need to activate your server. thats all
I don't completely follow that, but I think you're ultimately saying that yes, I can go to Install Licenses and simply repeat that part of the procedure, specifying a different number of licenses this time. I know that works the first time through but wasn't sure about subsequent times.
I didn't quite understand what he was offering. Unless there are no Select agreement numbers left, I'm not sure what the point is.
How much simple the instructions need to be for you? Chose to activate over phone, and post here the informations (give him the numbers, he will give you the reply numbers to activate!) sebus
great, the first user that has understud what i offer here ;-) the activation over phone, right! post server ID and number of license that you need. the rest i do by my self and send the reply code here....