Hello Can you help and send me act. code for 100 CALs? F3K77 - P4CW3 - RGM7V - YVVY8 - 497WV - VD3Y4 - DD38F Last / Surname: "Ivanov" First / Given Name: "Ivan" Company: "Company OOO" Country/Region: Russia and, i also would test the VDI Things. if you send me an activation code. Big thanks!
Good afternoon, Thank you very much for your help! But we have another problem here. Yesterday my boss had desided that I've made some mistakes when installing the OS and reinstalled it. The result is the same. And another code for the terminal servise licensing now. Could you please make another activation code for 100 CALs and VDI Q9B2W - GDH73 - KMXCD - XD776 - 8X6B8 - 67GPH - B3BVB
Thank you! Good afternoon, Thank you so much, you helped us a lot!!! It really works!!! 150 VDI Premium Suite
I´m new using windows server 2008, and to follow instructions i need to know where is the "Activate Server wizard" , i can´t find how to execute it, i need to bypass period of 120 grace days. I hope that someone can help, (and i´m not sure if this is the right post, so sorry in advance). Thanks for your help in advance.
Server Licenses Dear Katczajk, Its heartwarming to see the help you are providing to the community! I too have a test server setting up a small kiosk. If you are able to still produce for the following it would be fantastic MS Server 2008 License Server ID: DJ374 - B2KMP - 499D4 - GQ8YJ - BQM7X - VJ9YQ - KKQD8 Require 50 TS License or less if possible. Many thanks and kind regards, David
Sorry I need again because i formatted pc and changed numbers :S Please 25 Device CAL and 25 User CAL Last / Surname: "Bakan" First / Given Name: "Adnan" Company: "Akbakan" Country/Region: Turkey MS 2008 R2 Server id : VR4JT - QGBMC - FQVGJ - RW6QR - XDBQT - FCRKM - QX8MG and need select license code Thanks
Hi, my server details as below ms server 2008 r2 lic server id: KTRFW - 627D2 - 82GTF - 9B9TB - MVPT4 - CXBWY - XFFG8 A,B,C,United Kingdom 20 TS Licenses Many Thanks
here are my details, many thanx. License Program: 25 select License Windows Server 2008 R2 VDI Premium Suite Per Device and per user Last / Surname: "s" First / Given Name: "a" Company: "bravo" Country/Region: Au Server:X9W4J - 77F2K - G7D92 - 6CM4R - Q38G3 - C9CH9 - PPQ3P
Hi, My server: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1 First / Given Name: "a" Last / Surname: "b" Company: "c" Country/Region: "United States" License Server ID: "BMB8D - BC7HV - GFP47 - 28Q3W - 94YRM - KWF3P - K44QX" Require 10 TS License and 10 VDI if possible. Many thanks and kind regards
to a*ti*va*te more lic's i need a little help from a web coder. i programm also in php as i need, but this is a little bit to hard. can anyone program a line with button in php/html for ServerID thats possible to send this id to h**ps://activate.microsoft.com/ so i can act more in one day. thanks alot