Just for information, on the installation that tell me "unactivated" i have use the script present on a DELL seven dvd. slmgr.vbs -lc and -ipk with the information of pid.txt. That's work. So i'm burning a DVD with this solution. I'm going to try in 10 minutes and after i come back to put the result. Solution found.
Great Job everyboday. Appreciate if somebody can share the followin OEM:SLP Keys Windows Server 2008 Datacenter Windows Server 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V Windows Server 2008 Standard without Hyper-V Windows Server 2008 R2 WEB Thanks to All members & Great Thanks to MDL
I have an HP Proliant server with preinstalled Windows Server 2008 R2. Recover DVD contains $oem$ directory which contains several files and 2 of them are HPActive.cmd and pkeyconfig.xrm-ms. HPActive.cmd contains that key... tell me what proof you still need...? P.S. If you think that the person who post in the forum once lying - you can be wrong
Pardon this newbie plz and help him out. I understand that I need SLIC cert in my BIOS to use one of the keys on front page, 2008 R2 DC. So how do I install a SLIC cert into VMware BIOS? What do I need, where do I look, etc? Will trade immediate help on 2008 R2 STD x64 key, fully working, non SLIC, just enter and activate!
Did you read the very first sentence which states in big letters: Thus your answer is: Any key for your SKU will work. Just the SLIC and certificate have to match.
How key work? Does go in Daz Windows Loader at time of install cert? Maybe can put later? I make install of server 2008 r2, make Windows Loader match (ASUS) and leave the last space (it say Dell OEM-Standard). I press install and it work. But how I can make key,I don't know this. Please say me how. Thank you.
Great thanks for answer. So need to put key in loader before install? Or can put later? Windows say activated but I never put key in loader. There is reason I should do this?