Just got a R420, ran pass trick, and this is the result (SLIC v2.3, but no MSDM table) Seems to me that simmilar to v3.0 on client OS OEM keys are unique to system (i don't see why they wouldn't do that) so unless there's a tool to insert MSDM tables into dell bios....... View attachment 26702 View attachment 26703 View attachment 26704
Servers sold with 2012 R2 pre-installed should have an OEM SLP key applied, else what's the point in adding a new SLIC version? It could be that Microsoft has advised OEM's such as Dell not to use OEM SLP keys. Does the system you have access to actually use OEMM, OEM:NONSLP or what?
my system didn't have any OS. i beleive they do use SLP keys, otherwise they wouldn't bother updating the BIOS to SLIC 2.3 (as i pointed out i got it to show using the pass trick).
Ah, that'd be why there's no key. It could also explain why there's no MSDM since the MSDM contains the same OEM SLP key (afaik). We need someone who's bought hardware with Server 2012 R2 pre-installed
@tegl Are you sure that it is from a real Dell server, not a generated one?? Because the Product ID seems awkward (00253-00000-00000-AAOEM).
Sorry, but I've had to soft deleted both posts containing it as it's generated. You can tell by the secret.
I have a new Dell T620 with 2012 r2 standard on it. I just reinstalled the OS with the provided DELL OEM DVD. Where is the SLP key on the DVD?
I've actually got a valid OEM key for Server 2012 R2 Standard now. I'll post it once I've checked everything out, but what I can say is that the brand new Dell server that it come from doesn't have an MSDM table.