@The Mole Would that slp key work for a Dell Server T320? I have both the T310 and T320, but would like to use the 320. Thanks.
not yet, i will install tomorrow EVAL is the one you get off msoft when you subscribe for 180 days test i suppose
If you don't have the EVAL already installed, just directly download and install the non EVAL = Full version: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-svf-repository.63324/page-138#post-1483141 But you can set-edition server 2019 essentials EVAL to full: Code: Name: 17763.107.101029-1455.rs5_release_svc_refresh_SERVERESSENTIALS_OEM_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO Size: 4599791616 bytes (4386 MiB) CRC32: 8FEECAB7 CRC64: 5E279CBBDD8B4057 SHA256: 056D2E3802D3936F8BD40D42906260BCAB7876D8FD6B424B4DB83EE912C73B45 SHA1: FBB32C6761640640E48D1652225E6AF117EAE0AD BLAKE2sp: A398C3134C026D2A535CA932D7ED72C340723B5E13929684395C3453F8521262 target sku: Code: [01] 10/30/2018 en-US x64 10.0.17763.107 Windows Server 2019 Essentials | ServerSolution
the version i got is that one 17763.379.190312-0539.rs5_release_svc_refresh_SERVERESSENTIALS_OEM_x64FRE_fr-fr.iso looks like full?
Code: Name: fr_windows_server_2019_essentials_updated_march_2019_x64_dvd_9115f800.iso Size: 4823908352 bytes (4600 MiB) CRC32: E463A4C0 CRC64: 56826A7658042878 SHA256: 52BBE59CCEA7B56E97F85A003648B609A76BE7A4561E573CB36FED1DC66CD960 SHA1: 62D279E91FBCFF8282E679DFA587F10D99441806 BLAKE2sp: 238A293FCA916AD741A82672DA66E34820F87514D79E060A795B7F6004C0ED46 That will be the latest march refresh iso, should also be ok to use.
I might be blind but I can't seem to find a download or dism code for essentials eval -> full. Is it hidden somewhere?
This post is for reference only, in case someone is searching for it using specific information after using the "KMS_VL_ALL_AIO" Message: "Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Evaluation does not support KMS activation... Server Evaluation cannot be activated. Please convert to full server OS."