Windows Thin PC (WinTPC) Download link?

Discussion in 'Windows Embedded' started by stass, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. 100

    100 MDL Expert

    May 17, 2011
    Just to clarify, even though the evaluation ISO available now from MS has the same file name as the previously released RC ISO, it's not the same; it's RTM, and it's about 400 MB larger than the RC. Obviously, the xdelta patch will also only work with RTM eval.

    It's VOLUME_BA, and it can not be converted from an evaluation image by entering an OEM key using slmgr, the OEM key has to be used when deploying the image. If you do enter it afterwards, there's a licensing service (WLMS) that will reboot the machine after 20 minutes of uptime.

    Retail (=evaluation) and Volume:BA are the only two types of keys listed in WES7's pkeyconfig. There seem to be many different types of keys though:
    • Embedded Standard Volume:BA Std Edtn OEM
    • Embedded Standard Volume:BA Prem Edtn OEM
    • Embedded Standard Volume:BA Lckd Edtn OEM
    • Embedded Standard Volume:BA SMB Std Edtn OEM
    • Embedded Standard Volume:BA SMB Prem Edtn OEM
    • Embedded Standard Volume:BA SMB Lckd Edtn OEM
    • Embedded Standard Retail Std Edtn Eval OEM
    • Embedded Standard Retail Prem Edtn Eval OEM
    • Embedded Standard Retail Acad Edtn OEM
    • Embedded Standard Retail Default Key Evl OEM
    • Windows 7 OCUR Retail

    I'm have the KMS emulator running on a PC on my network, and TPC activated just fine that way.
  2. Benzyma

    Benzyma MDL Junior Member

    May 10, 2011
    Will be a x64 version Windows Thin PC?
  3. BitSwitcher

    BitSwitcher MDL Junior Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    Very unlikely (= no).
  4. fafhrd

    fafhrd MDL Junior Member

    Mar 2, 2010
    But you can "roll your own" 64-bit Thin client with WES7 64-bit IBW:biggrin:
  5. kagurazaka

    kagurazaka Guest

    what is thin PC (PC) ??
  6. McStarfighter

    McStarfighter MDL Novice

    Oct 21, 2009
    #66 McStarfighter, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2011
    Windows Thin PC is the successor for the XP-based Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PC's. Both are special trimmed down versions of Windows for Thin Clients.
    It is important to know that Windows Thin PC is based on Windows 7 Embedded and so you can modify it only via "the Windows 7 Embedded way", MSU packages aren't working ...

    BTW: Does anybody know how to localize Thin PC?

    BTW2: Localization is possible with the language packs for Windows 7 Embedded Standard
  7. 100

    100 MDL Expert

    May 17, 2011
    #67 100, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    You can install Windows Embedded Standard 7 language packs using dism. After a reboot you can switch languages in regional and language options.
    dism /online /add-package /packagepath:/path/to/
    WES7 includes language packs for de-de, es-es, fr-fr, it-it, and ja-jp. Additional languages are available through Windows Embedded Developer Update, but I believe that requires you to have the WES7 toolkit installed. You can download an WES7 eval from MS, but it's a large download if you only need the language packs (they're just ~30MB each). It's probably quicker to look for separate unofficial language pack downloads elsewhere.
  8. ffcloud2000

    ffcloud2000 MDL Member

    Oct 23, 2009
    Would it be possible to integrate this into an ultimate dvd??
  9. 100

    100 MDL Expert

    May 17, 2011
    #70 100, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Yes, just like integrating other editions into install.wim; however, you also have to copy TPCDVD\sources\license to UltimateDVD\sources\license, and to UltimateDVD\sources\boot.wim\sources\license (same thing when integrating server editions).

    Not really, it's just a single dism command you need. Run it from cmd with the path to the language pack .cab file, for example:
    dism /online /add-package /packagepath:"c:\languagepacks\x86~microsoft-windows-embedded-languagepack-package~de-de~~~6.1.7601.17514~1.0\"
  10. rdb1987

    rdb1987 MDL Novice

    Feb 5, 2010
    How do you copy the contents of TPCDVD\sources\license to UltimateDVD\sources\boot.wim\sources\license?
    Is there any guide available?
  11. 100

    100 MDL Expert

    May 17, 2011
    #72 100, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    It's in the Windows 7 + Server AIO guides somewhere, but you only need to mount Ultimate's boot.wim (writable), copy the license files, and unmount (and commit) the boot.wim:
    imagex /mountrw UltimateDVD\sources\boot.wim 2 c:\mount
    xcopy "TPCDVD\sources\license\*" "c:\mount\sources\license" /cherkyi
    imagex /unmount /commit c:\mount
    This will include the license files in boot.wim, which you can then use on the new DVD.
  12. McStarfighter

    McStarfighter MDL Novice

    Oct 21, 2009
    It would be also very interesting how to add and remove features ...
  13. 100

    100 MDL Expert

    May 17, 2011
    #74 100, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011
    I haven't tried it yet, but I suppose adding features will work fine; it just doesn't work like regular Windows 7, but like Windows Embedded. It doesn't use Control Panel's "Windows Features" option (it's simply empty if you enable access to it), it uses Windows Embedded packages. Windows Embedded packages are installed (or uninstalled) using dism, and they're available on the Windows Embedded Standard 7 DVD (x86 for Thin PC).
    The feature packages are language-independent, so you also need to reinstall the currently installed language pack(s) afterwards to add the localized resources.
    Getting complex features right can be tricky though because dism doesn't resolve package dependencies. If a package depends on other packages, these will have to be installed as well.
  14. ahmadmaher

    ahmadmaher MDL Novice

    Mar 20, 2010
    This is what is in the read me file, i got the DVD by torrent, search for "Microsoft.Windows.Thin.PC.x86-LuLZiSO" and the nfo say that there is a crack not a serial :

    Recommended hardware configuration

    * 1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86)
    * 1 GB RAM
    * 4 GB available hard disk space
    * DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or a later version driver

    Missing Search functionality in Start menu

    To reduce the Thin PC image size, Search functionality is not included in Thin PC. As a result, the Search bar does not exist on the Start menu. In addition, the File Open, Save, Save As, and Browse dialogs do not provide support for wildcard searches.
    Adding and removing Windows features in Thin PC

    Due to the locked-down mode of the Thin PC image, adding and removing Windows features is not supported in Thin PC.
    Keyboard Filter may block accessibility

    By design, Keyboard Filter may enable you to block certain features that may be important for accessibility. If your application scenarios require specific accessibility functionality, make sure that you verify those scenarios after enabling Keyboard Filter.
    Cannot install .NET Framework 3.5

    .NET Framework 3.5 is not a supported environment. The alternative is to download .NET Framework 4.x, then recompile and test your managed applications. Only .NET Framework 2.0 is shipped as part of Windows Thin PC.
    No support for certain Windows products and features

    Windows Thin PC does not support the following products and features:

    * .NET Framework 3.5

    * Premium codecs: Microsoft AC3 Encoder (Dolby), Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder (MPEG-2, AAC), Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder (MPEG-2, H.264), MPEG-2 Audio and Video Encoder, MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec (MP3), MPEG-4 Decoders, Windows Media Video Codecs (VC-1)

    * Microsoft Security Essentials

    * Windows Live Essentials

    Write Filters: System goes into safe mode on reboot

    When you use the Enhanced Write Filter Manager (ewfmgr.exe) or File Base Write Filter Manager (fbwfmgr.exe) with the /enable command and then reboot, your device goes to a screen with options to Start Windows Normally or in Safe Mode. This can be fixed by setting the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store to ignore all boot errors, which is a default setting for write filter in the Thin PC image.

    Type the following command to set the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) BootStatusPolicy to ignore faults:

    bcdedit.exe /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures

    Enhanced Write Filter cannot be disabled without commit

    When in EWF RAM Reg mode, you cannot disable the write filter without committing changes. RAM Reg mode requires you to commit the overlay to disable the write filter. The settings are stored in the registry and the /disable command will not persist without a /commit command. This is a limitation of RAM Reg mode. The workaround is to restart the device before disabling write filter.
  15. fafhrd

    fafhrd MDL Junior Member

    Mar 2, 2010
    #76 fafhrd, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Well I tried to add Windows Search (a minuscule 8MB Cabfile cf. the 1.5GB install package - I do so hate the stream of mistruths in Microsoft's propaganda :mad: ) - in ThinPC with WES7 DVD in N: drive I used the following command:

    Dism.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:N:\DS\Packages\FeaturePack\x86~winemb-search~~~~6.1.7601.17514~1.0\
    The command ran successfully:

    I rebooted, and the shutdown screen reported "Configuring Windows Updates"...

    The startup screen finished the configuration update, and in the start menu - A Search Bar!

    But it doesn't work:


    @ 100
    This is what I meant by daunting, - not simply entering the command, but the getting it to work!

    Any ideas anyone?
  16. 100

    100 MDL Expert

    May 17, 2011
    Oh, I thought you were referring to the language pack installation; that one is simple at least ;)

    Have you tried reinstalling the language pack after the search package? Installing a LP does not install all of the language-specific resources, but only those needed by currently installed packages. So if you add a package later you'll also have to reinstall the LP.

    The dependencies for winemb-search are: WinEmb-AppSupport-Legacy, WinEmb-Natural-Language, WinEmb-NetFx20Client, WinEmb-Search-Indexing. It's possible some of those don't come with TPC either (you can check with dism /online /get-packages). Dependencies are listed in update.mum in the package's cab file, btw.
  17. fafhrd

    fafhrd MDL Junior Member

    Mar 2, 2010
    #78 fafhrd, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  18. avnerk

    avnerk MDL Novice

    Sep 22, 2009
    #79 avnerk, Jul 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Thanks very much. worked great.

    The next stage would be: how do I integrate these packages into a thinpc insallation disc
  19. 100

    100 MDL Expert

    May 17, 2011
    #80 100, Jul 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    By using dism in offline mode on the mounted install.wim;
    dism /image:c:\mountpath /add-package ...