Windows Thin PC (WinTPC) Download link?

Discussion in 'Windows Embedded' started by stass, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Gremo

    Gremo MDL Member

    Feb 19, 2011
    #81 Gremo, Jul 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2011
    Can anyone explain me (1) where i can find a language pack and (2) how can i add it to thin pc and (3) how to activate it (daz)?


    EDIT: solved (1) and (2), package added to the wim. But i'm getting an error when i try to setup the default language (it-IT). Running the windows setup from dvd gives me "cannot set the default language" at the very end of install. Any help?
  2. fafhrd

    fafhrd MDL Junior Member

    Mar 2, 2010
    #83 fafhrd, Jul 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Assuming you already have an activated ThinPC, from the WES7 IBW DVD /sources folder, you need to use Imagex.exe to create an install.wim file from your modified Thin PC drive.

    I would copy Imagex.exe to your Windows/system32 directory - it's a useful file to have available at all times.

    If the Thin PC is on C: and you have another drive (I've called it "e:" in the example) with more than a couple of GB free, from an elevated command prompt enter:

    Imagex /capture c: e:\install.wim "ModTPC" /verify
    It takes a few minutes.

    You can check it by applying the image to an empty partition, or a clean drive

    Assuming the new partition or drive has a drive letter N: and is formatted with NTFS, the imagex syntax is:

    imagex /apply e:\install.wim 1 n:
    (The "1" refers to the number of the image in the .wim file.) - it will also take a few minutes

    Make it bootable with bcdboot, assuming your system drive is C:

    bcdboot n:\windows /s c:

    On reboot you should have a boot menu with a new entry - which should be an activated clone of your modified ThinPC.

    If all is ok, you can copy the new install.wim over the old install.wim in the ThinPC downloaded installation iso archive ab and burn to a new DVD.
  3. Gremo

    Gremo MDL Member

    Feb 19, 2011
    I need help, i almost finished integrating 4 languages, but i can't find:


    where *-* = it-IT, de-DE, fr-FR, es-ES. I need to translate the setup process. Any help?
  4. fafhrd

    fafhrd MDL Junior Member

    Mar 2, 2010
    glad to hear!
  5. svenby

    svenby MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2010
    Hello. Can anyone tell me whether this be in Swedish?
    If it's someone who wants to give me a link.
    Thanks in advance
  6. 100

    100 MDL Expert

    May 17, 2011
  7. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
    #90 stayboogy, Jul 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  8. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
  9. Polmo

    Polmo MDL Novice

    Jul 9, 2011
    Links for thin pc in english, french, german, spanish and italian in the attachment, enjoy :bananajoj2:

    Attached Files:

  10. allanvz

    allanvz MDL Novice

    Aug 21, 2007
    Any idea how to add the. Net framework 3.5 ??
  11. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
    it says specifically on MSDN that Net framework 3.5 can't be installed on Thin PC, and that it comes with Net 2.0 and that if you need 3.5 then you need to re-compile your apps using Net 4 and install Net 4...
  12. fafhrd

    fafhrd MDL Junior Member

    Mar 2, 2010
    #97 fafhrd, Jul 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

    Dotnet 3.5 depends on 3.0 depends on 2.0, but is available for Windows Embedded:

    The WES7 IBW DVD has the following packages that can be installed on TPC using dism:

    Dism.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:D:\DS\Packages\FeaturePack\x86~winemb-netfx30~~~~6.1.7601.17514~1.0\ /NoRestart
    Dism.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:D:\DS\Packages\FeaturePack\x86~winemb-netfx30client~~~~6.1.7601.17514~1.0\ /NoRestart
    Dism.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:D:\DS\Packages\FeaturePack\x86~winemb-netfx35~~~~6.1.7601.17514~1.0\ /NoRestart
    Dism.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:D:\DS\Packages\FeaturePack\x86~winemb-netfx35client~~~~6.1.7601.17514~1.0\ /NoRestart
    Dism.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:D:\DS\Packages\FeaturePack\x86~winemb-IIS-WAS~~~~6.1.7601.17514~1.0\ 
    A reboot is needed after the last package is installed. You will see 'configuring updates' as Windows closes and restarts.

    I think that should satisfy all the dependencies.

    You can check all your currently installed packages with the following commands:

    Dism /online /get-packages /format:table >c:\users\packages.txt
    notepad c:\users\packages text
    This first creates a textfile and then will open notepad with the packages formatted in a table.

    to check dependencies for a package, the cab file needs to be viewed with a tool like 7-zip, for the file update.mum, which is an xml text file readable by notepad

    Each dependent package might have its own dependencies - if all dependencies are resolved, the package should work.

    After rebooting you can rerun the dism get-packages script to see if all has installed.
  13. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
    of course i'm having a hard time finding the exact page i was on, on MSDN, but i assure you that i read this morning that there is no support for .net framework 3.5 in Windows Thin PC (but that .net framework 2.0 is included in Thin PC), as well as for Windows Defender, Windows Search, and something else. and it specifically said that apps would have to be recompiled for .net framework 4. this was per M$ and not something i made up. just can't find the page to link to it though.
  14. fafhrd

    fafhrd MDL Junior Member

    Mar 2, 2010
    No, you are not making it up - WinTPC has no support for .NET 3.5 - it's not included, but WES7 does have the Packages for it's installation, On Windows Embedded systems - of which WinTPC is one.

    When Packages are installed with DISM, they are treated as updates, and need to be configured at boot-time. So far, I have added windows search, and the premium codecs - so I can fully use Media Player for movies - seemingly without problems. Others here have added Language packs.

    I find a problem with the .NET3.x configuration - It gets to 66% and then reverts - just like a failed Windows Update. Presently I have no solution - I had no problem with DISM unpacking the cabs - the installation bit, just the failing of the last bit of the configuration, and the totally frustrating rollback. It happened to me several times with 7's SP1 - a long download, a very long installation time then a set of reboots resulting in the removal of the downloaded and installed files, and an eventual hiding of the update.

    Looking at the event log, there are problems with the search too, even though it appears to be working ok.
  15. 100

    100 MDL Expert

    May 17, 2011
    You can check %windir%\logs\dism\dism.log and %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log for package installation logs, most likely you'll find a reason for the failed installation there.