actually, you're right, there was a syntactic error. even more so there was a logic error as the ni (New-Item) with -Force clears existing values now fixed, plus hiding the intermediary console window popups, and defender notification
Will this affect activation of Windows 10 and Office 2019? I always switch Defender Virus Real Time Protection off to use the excellent tools on this Forum. eg KMS_VL_ALL_AIO.cmd, which is a brilliant piece of work, along with all the earlier activators like Microsoft Toolkit. A big thank you to all the experts who have done so much for us. Hopefully the ability to switch Real Time Protection off just temporarily will still be there
I do not want to disable Windows Defender using another antivirus, because it looks awful and unthinkable! Can I disable this intrusive crap in install.wim using the Nsudo utility?
BAU Thanks, I already found it myself, I did it: Code: Start-Process windowsdefender://Threat # Virus & Threat Protection Start-Process windowsdefender://ThreatSettings # Virus & Threat Protection Settings Start-Process windowsdefender://Account # Account Protection Start-Process windowsdefender://Network # Firewall & network Protection Start-Process windowsdefender://Hardware # Device Security Start-Process windowsdefender://DeviceSecurity # Device Security Start-Process windowsdefender://Family # Family Option Start-Process windowsdefender://AppBrowser # App & Browser Control Start-Process windowsdefender://Settings # Manage Notifications Start-Process windowsdefender://History # Protection History Start-Process windowsdefender://RansomwareProtection # Ransomware Protection Start-Process windowsdefender://ProtectedFolders # Ransomware Protection Start-Process windowsdefender://SecurityProcessor # Security Processor Details Start-Process windowsdefender://SecurityProcessorTroubleshooting # Security Processor Troubleshooting Start-Process windowsdefender://SmartScreenPua # Smart Screen (Reputation Based Protection) Start-Process windowsdefender://AccountProtection # Account Protection Start-Process windowsdefender://ExploitProtection # Exploit Protection Start-Process windowsdefender://exclusions # exclusions Start-Process windowsdefender://fullscan # Select fullscan Start-Process windowsdefender://quickscan # Start quickscan Start-Process windowsdefender://PerfHealth # Device Performance & health Code: [xml] $AllSystemSettings = Get-Content "C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel\Settings\AllSystemSettings_{253E530E-387D-4BC2-959D-E6F86122E5F2}.xml" $Name = "Defender" foreach ($SearchableContent in $($AllSystemSettings.PCSettings.SearchableContent | Where-Object FileName -Match $Name)) { [pscustomobject] @{ FileName = $SearchableContent.FileName DeepLink = $SearchableContent.ApplicationInformation.DeepLink } }