The second policy is probably due to the no-nag patch of WU, for removing the nag. Did you have that patch applied?
Code: reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v "TargetReleaseVersion" /f reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v "TargetReleaseVersionInfo" /f Execute both in a cmd.exe with admin rights. You can also reset the whole no-nag and desktop watermark shebang, as you are running on supported hardware: Code: @echo OFF setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion if exist "%temp%\GetAdmin.vbs" del /f /q "%temp%\GetAdmin.vbs" >nul 2>&1 if exist "%temp%\GetAdminUnicode.vbs" del /f /q "%temp%\GetAdminUnicode.vbs" >nul 2>&1 fltmc >nul 2>&1 || ( cd /d "%~dp0" cmd.exe /U /C echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) : UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/k cd ""%~dp0"" && ""%~dpnx0"" ""%_Args%""", "", "runas", 1 > "%temp%\GetAdmin.vbs" "%temp%\GetAdmin.vbs">"%temp%\GetAdminUnicode.vbs" cscript.exe //nologo "%temp%\GetAdminUnicode.vbs" if exist "%temp%\GetAdmin.vbs" del /f /q "%temp%\GetAdmin.vbs" >nul 2>&1 if exist "%temp%\GetAdminUnicode.vbs" del /f /q "%temp%\GetAdminUnicode.vbs" >nul 2>&1 exit ) cd /d "%~dp0" for /f %%f in ('dir /B /ADH-I /OG "%HomeDRIVE%\Users" ^| findstr /I "Default" 2^>nul') do ( if exist "%HomeDRIVE%\Users\%%f\NTUSER.dat" ( set "DU_NTUSERdat=%HomeDRIVE%\Users\%%f\NTUSER.dat" ) ) reg.exe delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache" /v SV1 /f reg.exe delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache" /v SV2 /f reg.exe load HKLM\_HKDU "!DU_NTUSERdat!" reg.exe delete "HKLM\_HKDU\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache" /v "SV1" /f reg.exe delete "HKLM\_HKDU\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache" /v "SV2" /f reg.exe unload HKLM\_HKDU reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v "TargetReleaseVersion" /f reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v "TargetReleaseVersionInfo" /f exit 0
I didn't apply any Patch brother, I just used the key to upgrade Home Edition to Pro which is given by @Enthousiast bro, and the system was restarted. After that, the above message came in Settings. Please check the Thread once so that you can see how it was earlier.. TIA
@Carlos Detweiller afaik, he is still on 10 Pro, upgraded by key from Home. And he linked his MSA to the new Pro HWID.
Only if you want. Mainline Windows 10 stays supported till 2025. Staying with Win 10 means: either live with the Win11 nag message in Windows Update, or apply the no-nag patch and live with the "managed by organization" message.
Now I'm on Windows 10 Pro, if I apply any patch the message in windows update will be gone? Or If I upgrade to Windows 11 still this message will be there? Or it will be gone? TIA
First, talk about which patch and what message you are talking about. Tell exactly, what is it that should disappear and what is it that should remain?
Please follow the thread so that you can understand what we are talking about. Regarding the Patch, I don't know, what he is referring to in his earlier message.
MS wants you on Windows 11. The offer will always be there in Windows 10 WU if you have compatible hardware. There a message even if you won't be able to "upgrade". Applying the no-nag patch (TargetRelease) will remove that offer/banner, but then, the "managed by organization" message appears, as it is a policy typically used by organizations. On Windows 11, there's of course no Windows 11 banner, currently. That will change once the next branch (22H2) is production-ready. It's a never ending story.
Thank You so much, you're so good and wise boy, but your disease cannot be treated with any patch, it's probably coborn and stays until die.
If you want to force another edition than the auto-detected one by setup, you simply rename the MediaCreationTool.bat script to EditionID MediaCreationTool.bat Then there's no need to disconnect from the internet, you just mount the iso and then run auto.cmd (not setup.exe) - that's what will make setup use your specified edition. If you make an usb, then you can simply edit the auto.cmd file and change 2nd line: set "EDITION_SWITCH=" to have your desired EditionID, example: set "EDITION_SWITCH=Professional" You can use this auto.cmd file with other media than mct as well (official iso / uupdump iso) - just copy it over.
Car and tile? Ez. Marriage? Possibly. But I would have to come and "write it" personally at your place.