For the time being it works like that .. The first update which one would like to mark by clicking, then Shift key, now the last update in the column, which you want to highlight by holding the Shift key by clicking. All between the first and last are now marked. All individual in between which one now wants to deselect now by holding the CTRL key and deselect. Now set the checkbox to any marked update and automatically the checkmark will be set for all previously marked ones. Actually an ancient keyboard function.
Request for David: Is it possible to position automatically the cursor in the first space of the rectangle "Search filter" after using CTRL + F (for find)? If I want to type something, example: KB4023057, I must move the cursor in the first space of the rectangle "Search filter" with my mouse.
This question just came to mind. I manually search for updates. What then is the purpose of WUM running in the background? Is there a feature to auto-search while in the background that I am not aware of?
Just below the checkbox, there's a dropdown field where you can select to search for updates every day, week, month, or not at all.
Ah yes, I set it before and forgot about it. It has been staring at me all the time. Thanks for the reminder.
I have Win10 Enterprise. I have "Disable Automatic Updates" and "Disable Update Facilitators" checked. What's the difference between this and "Notification Only"? If I choose "Notification Only", does it automatically disable facilitators?
Yes it should disable those, if thay are disabled windows's automatic update mechanism is deactivated,
Ok, so if I understand you correctly, it seems to me that "Disable Automatic Updates" selected and "Disable Update Facilitators" checked is functionally the same as "Notification Only". Is that right?
Hi What is the function of the last (5.) setting under options, in German "Microsoft Update einrichten"? I have updates off in group policies and this tool.
"Register Microsoft Update" does exactly what it says. By default, only Windows Update is activated in Windows. Windows Update will not provide any updates for products other than Windows itself. To get updates for Office etc. you need Microsoft Update. Checking the box in WuMgr enables it with one click (the normal procedure it a bit... inconvenient).
Oh, that's why. The tooltip only appears when an icon is not greyed-out, so I just imagined that the bin was for deleting.