I noticed that WUMgr does not honor the 'maximized' setting when creating a shortcut for WUMgr, nor does it remember the position or size of the GUI after closing. Also, column sizing doesn't keep. @DavidXanatos: any chance of adding this function?
Hi again I hid KB4556799, the May Feature Update. Now I am being offered the KB4565503 cumulative update and the hidden feature update no longer appears under hidden. Does this cumulative replace the feature update from May? Does it install both? Would like to know before I do anything. It appears that the feature update may have enough fixes now to install. Appreciate your insights.
Indeed I have and always do before I ask a question. Always possible I did not craft my question properly, but did not find the answer. Kinda rude reply skunk. Perhaps better not to reply at all.
I could be wrong, but I thought that was the KB for the May 2020 update. If the KB number is wrong, it was the original offering for the May Feature Update I hid. Now I am offered KB4565503 and cannot unhide KB for the feature update hence the question above.
It's a normal CU, msft should never have used the term "feature update" for a full upgrade, what it actually is. Only 1903 > 1909 and 20H1 > 20H2 are done by a simple update (enablement package).
just because you don't like my answer doesn't mean I'm being rude. If you know how to search for clarificaton about both updates it's quite easy to find answers
Sorry, more confused now And appreciate you trying to make it more clear. I am at 1909. There was a buggy release in May to add / change features (20H1) which updates to 2004. I cannot recall the KB#, but I hid this. It is no longer available to unhide, and has be superseded by KB4565503 in my offerings for Windows Updates which says it is a feature update. So the question is will this bring me up to current 2004 with all fixes? And if not, will something be offered in the future if I install KB4565503 that will update me to 2004now that is seems most of the bugs have been fixed?
At the most it will trigger the offering of 2004 on WU, when you get it offered then you will automatically be upgraded to 19041.1 and updated to 388.
OK. BTW, the exact offering (which is where the confusion comes from) says: Feature Update to Windows 10, version 2004 Category UPGRADES KB Article KB4565503 And if that really means this is just a CU, will installing this that seems to fix issues I do not have cause any issues or is it recommended to just do it? Thanks again.
Thanks. I have not gone there yet so something would not install automatically. I was looking in WuMGR for that listing mentioned.
I would advice to upgrade by WU, it should tell you if it is ready for your system, or it tells you it's not ready yet, i don't know if WUMGR has this precaution too. But you can also upgrade by ISO, MCT or Upgrade Assistant.
Feature updates (full build upgrades) have to be done through WU. The reboot initiated by WU (through the button) is not a standard one. Rebooting normally did not start the upgrade procedure, last time I tried.
Thanks. understood. But what had me totally confused is if this update is a CU, then why doesn't the Feature Update show any longer as hidden? I'm waiting a day to see if any issues get reported with KB4565503 which I actually am surprised I am being offered since I do not have 2004. Which is why the original question does KB4565503 replaced the feature update. Any way, circles. I'll see what WU shows Saturday and hopefully no surprises.