Is there any way to set WUD to only download missing files??? Instead of having to manually figure out which files i've already downloaded??
No, the only way i know is that, you must have the msu files in the same dir that you downloaded them too. Then it will tell you that file is already downloaded by showing it in green.
Yea for sure.. when i was lazy i'd just completely download all the files each time lol.. thanks a bunch
Open WUD, click the + button and go search. Works for me and im using the standalone version by some guy on msfn.
WUD will only recongnize ULZ extensions, not ULS, so something is not right there with the extensions, my suggestion would be to uninstall WUD and and then do a re-install of WUD then use one of my update lists. (that's if you're running Win7, if not follow tcntad's advise.)
Use my UL lists, except for the optional updates and pre-release sections, all the other updates are language neutral which means they will work on french systems. You'll find my ulz's in my signature below.
Thank you dear friend. I have a small request is that you can create a list French UPDATE with all the latest (IE9, Netframwork 4, DX ............)
Like steven wrote.. updates are language independent, there are no real french updates, nor swedish..