QFT LOL I suppose if anyone is to catch DAZ now (first guy to 100), we will all have to shamelessly beg for karma. In that case I will not release Office 2007 update list until both JUD and MasterDisaster are above 25 rep's.
Thanks for the rep PMR LOL Daz is just boosting his ego with these rep points. According to the admins and mods rep points play only a small role when they have to choose a new Moderator.
lol no problem he said he wont give out the update list till you guys had higher rep so someone else help masterdisaster damn ppl lol jkjk anyways i used the program and i thought it worked ok
Here's a snip you can use to run all the Office exe's (17 critical updates). Place it in the same folder as your updates (no spaces in path) OfficeUpdates.cmd Code: IF EXIST "%~dp0*.exe" (FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B "%~dp0*.exe"') DO (start /wait %~dp0%%A /quiet /norestart)) This works for regular MSU files too. Code: IF EXIST "%~dp0*.msu" (FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B "%~dp0*.msu"') DO (start /wait %~dp0%%A /quiet /norestart)) Let me know if any updates do not install with the /quiet /norestart param.
@freeman appreciate it @everyone Did anyone have issues with the batch commands, did they work on all updates for you ? should warn, not to run that script if SP2 is in the same directory, SP2 should be installed separately before all the other updates, as that command does not check for it's presence and they may fail to install without it.
Working on support for Visual Studio, damned SNAFU VHD was size for small and cannot install the SP1 (not free-space). Can anyone with Visual Studio 2008 Pro w/ SP 1 go into Windows Update and select all the VS updates, right click them and then "Copy Details"and paste that back into this thread. Mr Jin-Jay don't pay cash all you get is +1 rep from me. that's a +27 rep value - offer not valid in Saskatchewan, for anyone w/username PayMyRent or persons under the age of 21