Right Click ULZ, select Open With, Choose the WUD.exe. I think that might work. Report back. Otherwise, open it with WinRAR and extract the .ul file from inside. A ULZ is a ZIP file that has been renamed.
Hi, Great stiff here! Quick question, does the downloader check to see if updates are already installed and not offer for DL?
Short answer no, WUD only downloads updates that are specified in the UL, it does not check the computer to see if the updates are installed. Though, if you keep downloadng the updates to the default folder using WUD it will detect which updates you have already downloaded.
Funny you mention that, just got a PM, jcarle is definitely planning a new version. I don't have any details, but there was talk of the XML Tool sources. Wouldn't that be something if WUD could create / edit it's own update lists.
Do you have any problem ? i have installed letest version and it still says it is Version 250 build 998 not Version 2.50 Build 1000.
That's news to me... But I do see it on the website now. It looks like the old version with a new filename.