somebody noticed that one of POSReady/WES09 updates is causing WiFi icon in taskbar does not update in real time, for example showing not connected but is already connected. somebody know which specific update could be causing that ?
.. and i search for MDL Novice who don't beg for files in the first 10 postings Who invites all these 1000000 leeches?
No prob I can´t remember if min posts was 5 or 10 to post links but we give it a go.... Try posting a link....
Major problems with the kb4487085 february update: gdiplus.dll is faulty! I still create new XP iso's, mostly for fun (the process is automated with scripts etc, anyway) and noticed problems last night. Just now, I read the explanation on the forum: "MS incorrectly linked new GDIPLUS.DLL to newer version of MSVCRT.DLL which is XP-incompatible.". So don't use this update, better wait for a new version.
xp pos ready update 13 feb 2019: This update seems to have major problems. After successfull update, reboot, then several exe.files pop up with "terimated with ctrl+c" during last stages of boot. Some programs cannot start, giving same err mess. Seems these updates to dotnetframwork are marked 13.feb 2019. KB4483485 and KB4483495. Tried to uninstall thse updates, but problem still persist. Any clues anyone ? My backup hdd (before the update)was then cloned to fresh hdd, and I tried same update on the cloned hdd. Same result.
Does someone have a collection of the POSReady 2009 patches so I can slipstream them into my XP Disc?