Thanks for the hard work in developing this downloader. It would be nice if there are some hashes to accompany the latest downloader on the front (1st) page. Thanks
updated: small fixes (integrate) todolist: - integrate @CyberUser: add some hashes @All: let me know if you find spelling errors. Thank You
first, thanx for the tool ismail question, your tool downloads alot of updates, but most of them are not recent and date 2011, when using tool such as windows update downloader , they give most recent there explaination for this? thanx
Hi @digital john, you have to use "Windows Update", listed as first item "Windows Update" function act like a built-in Automatic Updates and give latest Updates, depends which Microsoft product you installed. If you reinstall your os or install in a virtual machine than you will get latest updates, tailored to the system Other functions give you all updates from
new update: v1.0.7 changelog: v1.0.7 new filter system some multitasking, main program can be closed during integration code cleanup export superseded updates windows 8.1 support ( removed dotnetframework 3.5 (not needed)
filesize from will corrected with next update. it shows zero (0) byte i must correct it on my server
changelog: v1.0.8 bug fixes some changes at style edit: sorry, there's a typo at "Microsoft Update Katalog", will be fixed.
@raiden75 multilanguage support will be added in future releases. i hope you can help me on translating to spanish
Is it already possible to filter and download just the post service pack updates? Like if i already have an OS with the service pack already installed/integrated so i just need to download all the updates which were released after the that service pack. Thank you! Good job btw
could you please explain "search updates->superseeded updates" what is the result here? available superseeded updates from WU or local stored updates which are replaced (as it MENU->Export does)? It would be pretty cool if you would genereate a liste for e.g. DISM to uninstall superseeded updates to save space in WinSXS. something like this: dism /online /remove-package /packagename:%1 /packagename:%2 /packagename:%3 my result is with superseeded updates emtpy but i'm pretty sure there are some on my system.
@nechrist: please wait for next update @KNARZ: superseded updates are from WU and if you have a clean Installation of e.g. W7 you would see all superseded updates. But if you installed an update that come up with superseded update then this superseded update will disappear from the list. Yes, those updates are replaced. i'm working on this issue but windows update api (wuapi) offers no possibilities and it's too complicated When I have tested it without any updates installed, it worked like a charm but then with installed updates it didn't work the way I want it. i will give it a try
@t ismail, any news, when ur releasing a new version? by the way, good application keepup the good work
i prefer not to do that while doing DISM from scratch gives better results in case of stability, bugs free, ... to save space in WinSXS there's a new update to cleanup WinSXS folder. Microsoft was faster than me while he's watching you. LOL @all currently i am working on Microsoft Update Catalog, superseded updates are removed and i'm still testing. some bugs with windows8.1 updates are also been fixed. for those fixes you will not need a new version.
changelog: v1.0.9 Microsoft Update Catalog revised Replaced/Superseded Updates added to each Windows version (except WinXP) Windows XP languages added Internet Explorer versions categorized Filesize in KB/MB/GB filter by KB article as well as update name Bugfixes