WindSLIC boot CD

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by nononsence, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. odiea

    odiea MDL Senior Member

    Jul 31, 2009
    Looks the same to me. Still cannot find the file


    'input file' 'output file' 'encryption key'
    example: slcembed.raw slcembed.enc "abcdefgh"

    encryption key must be 8 characters in length

    Press any key to exit
    flat assembler version 1.68 (1032330 kilobytes memory)
    C:\WindSLIC_DVD_04-28-2010\DVD\bootdisk_windslic\WindSLIC.asm [696]:
    file '..\..\slcembed.enc'
    error: file not found.
    flat assembler version 1.68 (1032474 kilobytes memory)
    3 passes, 4096 bytes.
    The system cannot find the file specified.
    100% complete

    Press any key to continue . . .
  2. Hazar

    Hazar MDL Guru

    Jul 29, 2009
    #202 Hazar, May 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Is a double quote needed when using FOR /F anyway?

    FOR /F "delims=," %%A IN ('findstr ENCRYPT_KEY "%~dp0config.ini"') DO SET key=%%A
    Sorry if I'm being stupid.
  3. odiea

    odiea MDL Senior Member

    Jul 31, 2009
    #203 odiea, May 3, 2010
    Last edited: May 3, 2010
    When I ran the Make.cmd as Admin that is when I was getting that problem. Original worked fine not using admin .
    Again Thanks

    Just tried it out in Virtualbox and all went fine.
  4. nononsence

    nononsence MDL Addicted

    Aug 18, 2009
    I think your probably right, I was having some weird problems with this line, I thought
    it might have be caused by special characters in the key so I tried adding more quotes


    maybe your path changes to c:\windows\system32 when you run as administrator,
    adding CD %~dp0 might fix it. but Im glad it's now working.
  5. nononsence

    nononsence MDL Addicted

    Aug 18, 2009
    Updated 05/18/2010

    added chipset vendor id check, DISABLE_BIOS_RW can be left at default
    value, unless you have a spcific problem.
  6. forbjok

    forbjok MDL Novice

    May 18, 2010
    Sorry if this is a stupid question.

    Does this require physical modification (flashing ROM) of the BIOS, or is it a pure-software solution that can be used as an alternative to WoW7?

    I tried WoW7, and it worked fine on a VMware, but not on my physical machine, so now I'm wondering if this could be installed and used as an alternative, but I'm hesitant to patch my ROM.
  7. nononsence

    nononsence MDL Addicted

    Aug 18, 2009
    this is a software mod, so no rom or bios flashing, try the cd first if in doubt
  8. forbjok

    forbjok MDL Novice

    May 18, 2010
    Thanks for quick reply. :)

    Great, I'll try it now.
    Does that mean it can also be installed to HDD so I don't have to boot from CD every time?
  9. nononsence

    nononsence MDL Addicted

    Aug 18, 2009
  10. forbjok

    forbjok MDL Novice

    May 18, 2010
    I was under the impression that DAZ required the ROM to be patched.
    Is it also a pure software solution?

    If so, how would you say it compares to your solution in quality?

    Btw, it's not important if it's a one-click solution or requires some manual fiddling, as long as it doesn't require assembly knowledge (or rocket science) to get it working.
    I don't mind messing around with system files a bit, if that's what it takes to get it working well.
  11. bp1

    bp1 MDL Member

    May 11, 2009
    #211 bp1, Jun 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
    Just tried the WindSLIC_USB_05-26-2010 on a very old MB (CUV4X-E).
    Previously with windslic rom for slic injection i have always had hangs or other problems on this MB. I've also had problems with trying to mod the award bios for slic 2.1 with the awardtool.
    I have assumed that this MB was to old to be miodded and didn't really want to use the standard loaders.

    However the WindSLIC boot CD seems to work without any problems what so ever.
    Found the instructions very user freindly.

    Great work guys.

    Now back to windslic thumb drive edition threads where i am also having real problems.

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  12. bp1

    bp1 MDL Member

    May 11, 2009
    Hi again
    I think this project is just brilliant. I didn't like the boot screen pausing. This is easily rectified by going into the config.ini and changing the "BOOTSPLASH_USE_TIMELY_PAUSES" setting to 0.
    Tested on the Asus CUV4X, M4A78-VM, Gigabyte GA-M61PME-S2 and a few other motherboards using SLIC_ToolKit_V3.2. Absolutely no problems encounted.

    A big thankyou to nononsence and all who have developed this great tool.

    Many Thanks
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  13. Mikee5

    Mikee5 MDL Novice

    Apr 19, 2010
    I've a thought, its problably wrong but here it is
    If i
    1)created a boot cd as this thread describes, put it as the first boot device.
    2)Have the hard drive set up with the "standard Win 7" installation ie 100meg hidden boot partition and the "C" partition.
    The computer would boot from the boot cd and load the slic 2.1 info.
    3)In windows I could set that drive as disabled so that when windows is running it never uses or reads that drive.
    When Microsft updates Wat to look for Loaders etc it doesnt read that drive because its disabled.
    The system should stay activated despite Wat updates.
    There is no danger of a bad bios flash.

    What do you think?
    Please point out where my thoughts are wrong.
  14. MasterDisaster

    MasterDisaster MDL Expert

    Aug 29, 2009
    Use the thumb drive edition. Plug in the thumb drive before you start the system and remove the drive once you see the "Starting Windows" text.
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  15. truthinjection

    truthinjection MDL Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    It's fine, conceptually, although the idea of having a CD-ROM drive sitting around wasting power without being usable for the machine is perhaps a bit wasteful, and nothing really prevents someone ejecting the CD and causing problems on the next boot.

    Technically, you can disable a USB thumb drive in the same way you can disable a CD-ROM drive, from the Windows perspective. I'm not entirely sure that would have the intended effect, but it's less likely than most methods to be singled out for detection, and I would assume most USB flash drives use less power than the circuitry in a SATA CD-ROM drive, so that's good.

    Interesting idea at least.
  16. Mikee5

    Mikee5 MDL Novice

    Apr 19, 2010
    Would it waste power ?, if its not reading the drive, the drive doesnt spin.

    Also the drive i have in mind wont open without a paperclip inserted in the pinhole in its front cover, but its otherwise ok. So it cant be accidentally ejected and many of us have old cd and dvd roms lying around and all that extra space could be used partitioning software, erd65 etc.
  17. maorosh1

    maorosh1 MDL Novice

    Jun 21, 2010
    bootsect not work for me
    i made a bootsect file
    install it,
    install Ultimate serial
    install cert
    And nothing :p
  18. MasterDisaster

    MasterDisaster MDL Expert

    Aug 29, 2009
    You need to burn the ISO file to a CD and keep it in your CD-Drive on each startup to make it work.
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  19. maorosh1

    maorosh1 MDL Novice

    Jun 21, 2010
    #219 maorosh1, Jul 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2010
    bootsect program should be run one once as i know ...
    one it's patch the bootcode that it ,,
    that how all activators work - isn't ... ?!
    btw i talk on bootsect NOT iso
  20. MasterDisaster

    MasterDisaster MDL Expert

    Aug 29, 2009
    You should have posted in the relevant thread

    To install to bootsector, the command is bootsect /nt52 SYS

    Normally loaders use bootsect /NT60 SYS
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